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Doctrine of Degrees, Part 6

by Rev. Willard L D Heinrichs

Type of Event: Doctrinal Class

Date Recorded: November 28, 2001

Location: Bryn Athyn Cairncrest

Notes from this class: Works and deeds are so often commanded in the Word, and that man is known by his works. The constant emphasis in the Writings - that charity through faith must come into action, and the first of charity is to shun what is evil, then we can be led by the Lord in the life of good. If we understand the doctrine of discrete degrees we will understand, in a sense, the emphases that the Lord gives in the Writings on all kinds of subjects. This is a key to unlock the causes of things, including why the Lord emphasizes certain things so many times. All influx is by discrete degrees, according to correspondence. It is a universal doctrine that applies everywhere. The person who reads and understands what the work Divine Love and Wisdom is teaching will have no difficulty understanding the Writings because it is a key to unlocking causes. If we have the doctrine the discrete degrees down in the abstract, we will able to understand a lot of other things in the Writings.


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