
How to Call Upon the Name of the Lord: The Second Commandment

by Rev. Glenn (Mac) Frazier

Type of Event: Worship Service: Sermon only

Date Recorded: September 24, 2006

Location: Cleveland, OH

Topics: Regeneration / Spiritual Growth

Rise Above It: The Second Commandment

"'You shall not take the name of Jehovah your God in vain, for Jehovah will not hold a person guiltless who takes His name in vain.'" (Exodus 20:7)

The Lord wants you to pray. Why? Because in life there are evil things that get a grip on your heart and mind that you are powerless to break free from.

In the Ten Commandments, the Lord tells us not to worship false gods, and not to take His name in vain. In simplest terms, this means we should only worship the One True God, and that we should not make light of His names. Looked at more deeply, the Lord is also telling us here—for our own good—that we must avoid creating false gods out of things of this world and out of the desires of our own hearts. When we put material things or selfish things first in our lives, ahead of the Lord, we become enslaved by them. The good news is that the Lord is waiting for us to ask for help, and lovingly and freely gives it to us when we do.

A person's name stands for their qualities, and the Lord's qualities are infinite where ours are limited. We have no strength against our own false gods, but if we pray to the Lord and ask Him to lend us His strengths, He will give them freely so we can return to obeying His commandments. Refuse this gift, and You take His name in vain. To accept it, all you have to do is call to Him by name. Pray every day, and it will change your life.

To see that this is true, read Exodus 20:1-7; Matthew 7:21-23; and True Christian Religion 300.

Full text available at


# Title Length
1 How to Call Upon the Name of the Lord (Mac Frazier) - Exodus 20:7 (Sep 24, 2006) 18m 50s download
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Lessons and text

Lessons: Exodus 20:1-7; Matthew 7-21-23; True Christian Religion 300

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