
How to Find True Rest: The Third Commandment

by Rev. R. Amos Glenn

Type of Event: Worship Service: Sermon only

Date Recorded: October 01, 2006

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Topics: Regeneration / Spiritual Growth

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." (Exo. 20:8)

When the Lord was on earth, He clearly taught that the natural, external interpretation of the commandment to rest on the sabbath day was incapable of truly reflecting the Lord's will. When the Children of Israel killed a man for gathering sticks on the day of rest, they were thinking strictly literally. But spiritually, this commandment is not talking about the efforts we make to feed ourselves, care for our families, have fun, or mow the lawn. The Lord is teaching us to keep the Lord's salvation before us at all times. Spiritually, it's not us that does the work, but the Lord -- just like the six days of creation. The six days of labor that are referred to are the spiritual struggles that the Lord went through while in the world to fight against the hells, to reorder the spiritual world, and to unite His Divine to His Human. When that process was completed, there was rest, there was a new peace because the Human had become Divine. The Lord uses a similar process in our lives. He has already reduced the hells to order, but we must undergo our own spiritual struggles as if they are our own. But even then, it is the Lord who does all the real struggling, who does the real work. Our job is to remember that it is the Lord who does this work for us. Remembering the sabbath means to worship the Lord, Jesus Christ with our whole lives, not just on Sunday mornings.

To understand this, read Exodus 20:8-11, Matthew 12:1-14, and Arcana Caelestia 10360, then listen to the full audio of this third Rise Above It sermon.


# Title Length
1 How to Find True Peace 11m 31s download
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Lessons and text

Exodus 20:8-11; Matthew 12:1-14; Arcana Coelestia 10360

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