
Listening to the Teaching of the Lord: The Eighth Commandment

by Rev. R. Amos Glenn

Type of Event: Worship Service: Sermon only

Date Recorded: November 05, 2006

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Topics: Regeneration / Spiritual Growth

"'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'" (Exodus 20:16)

The commandment not to bear false witness is one that does not obscure its spiritual meanings too much; we easily leap from giving false testimony before a judge to lying in general, and from there to the spiritual meaning of this commandment: to not call the truth falsity, and to not call falsity truth. In the highest meaning, of course, it is a warning not to blaspheme against the Lord, for the Lord is Truth Itself.

The great sin described in Isaiah 28 is false witness. The source of this sin was drunkenness, that is, the purposeful confusion of the understanding part of the mind as to what is right or true and what is wrong or false. This "drunkenness" was not an accident, but was the result of people pridefully and selfishly searching for truth with their own reason alone, confirming their own ideas with a mixture of falsified truths from the Word and "proofs" from the natural world. The result of this "intoxication" is extreme uncleanliness, representing the possession of the mind by the evil spirits. Once this state sets in, the Word is no longer the source of truth, but an obstacle to be overcome in fulfilling one's own selfish desires.

How could a person live this way and call it good? That is the greatest lie of all: that the hells are the source of happiness, safety, comfort, strength, and peace. The hells promise us "glorious beauty" and delicious fruit from verdant valleys, self-esteem, success, and power. But when judgment comes, that covenant is annulled and our relationship with the hells is revealed to be terrible and the real source of suffering.

How do we prevent this from happening to us? The short answer is to let your Yes be Yes and your No be No. Let truth be true and falsity be false. Acknowledge that the Lord is Truth itself and the source of what is right. The Lord simply says to us, "Give ear to My voice, Listen and hear my speech." We are not the source of our understanding of the truths of the Lord's Word; the Lord's Word is the source of our understanding of everything else. We break this commandment when we turn away from the Word when seeking answers to life's questions. Instead, we will listen to the teaching of the Lord.

To see that this is true, read Matthew 5:33-37, Isaiah 28, and True Christian Religion 324, then listen to the full audio of today's sermon. This is the eighth sermon in our Rise Above It series on the Ten Commandments. It is archived at


# Title Length
1 Listening to the Teaching of the Lord (Amos Glenn) - Exodus 20:16 (Nov 5, 2006) 17m 03s download
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Lessons and text

Exo. 20:16; Mat. 5:33-37; Isa. 28; TCR 324.

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