
The Holy City New Jerusalem: A new dwelling place... a new way to live our faith

by Rev. Thomas H. Rose

Type of Event: Worship Service: Children & Adult

Date Recorded: June 20, 2010

Location: Ivyland New Church, PA

Topics: New Church Day, Mother's Day / Father's Day

By the "Holy City Jerusalem" is meant this New Church as to doctrine, and therefore it was seen coming down from God out of heaven, for the doctrine of genuine truth comes to us from the Lord through heaven, and from no other source. (Doctrine of the Lord #63)

We read in the Apocalypse:
I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away. And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. (Rev. 21:1-2)

Something like this is also written in Isaiah:
Behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth; be ye glad and rejoice forever; and behold, I will create Jerusalem a rejoicing and her people a joy. (Rev. 65:17-18)

It has been made known that the Lord is at this day forming a new heaven from such Christians as acknowledged in the world, or after their departure from the world were able to acknowledge, that He is the God of heaven and earth, according to His words in Matthew 28:18. (True Christian Religion #781)


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1 Family Service 16m 44s download
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Lessons and text

Rev. 21:1-11; TCR 781; Doctrine of the Lord 63

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