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End Times - It's Not the End of the World

by Rev. Derrick Lumsden

Type of Event: Worship Service: Sermon only

Date Recorded: May 27, 2012

Location: Westville, RSA

Topics: Life After Death / Heaven, New Christianity, Bible / Word of God

You may have heard that the end of the world is here or that it is coming. Many Christians are in fact hoping that the world comes to a violent end very soon. There are even some who predict the end of the world this year on 21 December 2012. The New Church has a different perspective about what the Bible is talking about when it describes the end of the world. This sermon addresses this issue.

Paused: Children's Talk & Sermon

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# Title Length
1 Children's Talk & Sermon 27m 59s download
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Lessons and text

Matthew 24,22, Revelation 4, 1 Corinthians 15, DP 27, Luke 17,23, Last Judgement 17, 45

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