The First Shall be Last, and the Last First
Type of Event: Doctrinal Class
Date Recorded: January 15, 2014
Location: Bryn Athyn Cathedral Social Hall
Topics: Relationships
Many stories in the Word point out that there are often hidden advantages in what seem like disadvantages in life. Why is it that there are so many stories in the Word about smaller and weaker forces overcoming those that are larger and stronger? Why was the Lord born at a time when we are told that He was least likely to be accepted? These two classes are about how the hidden advantages of weakness are mirrored in amazing ways in our lives.
Lessons and text
Divine Providence (DP) 278; Arcana Coelestia (AC) 840, 935, 1947, 7195, 8403
Doctrine of the Lord 15; Arcana Coelestia 407,408,571,1594,1937,1943,3398
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