

by Rev. Jeremy F. Simons

Type of Event: Worship Service: Sermon only

Date Recorded: March 16, 2014

Location: Bryn Athyn Cathedral

Topics: Hope / Positive Living, Journey: The Path of Integrity

"Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these" Luke 12:27
What goes on inside our minds? The Heavenly Doctrines provide amazing insights about how to follow the Lord's admonition not to worry about our lives.


# Title Length
1 Thought 27m 15s download
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Lessons and text

Lessons: Luke 12:22-34, Spiritual Experiences 733, 734, Arcana Coelestia (AC) 3796

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