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An Open Invitation, Part 1: Goodness vs. Rightness

by Rev. Joel C Glenn

Type of Event: Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon

Date Recorded: May 28, 2017

Location: Westville, RSA

Topics: Regeneration / Spiritual Growth

What does it take to be part of the New Church? Being part of the New Church takes many forms but at heart it is all about looking to the Lord and repenting of evils. As we approach the celebration of the New Church's birth in June, we will explore how we look to the Lord and repent, and so become part of His Church. Specifically we will explore the letters to the seven churches, each of which reveals some new quality of the Lord and some new evil that we can work on. This Sunday we will look at the letter to the Church in Ephesus, which urges those who put great weight in being right to focus more on doing good.

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# Title Length
1 An Open Invitation, Part 1: Goodness vs. Rightness 31m 54s download
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