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Zacharias: An Answered Prayer

by Rev. Joel C Glenn

Type of Event: Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon

Date Recorded: December 06, 2020

Location: Westville, RSA

Topics: Christmas, Archive Highlights

The Christmas story begins with Zacharias receiving the astonishing news that his elderly, barren wife would give birth to a special child. Yet in the moment of his prayers being answered, Zacharias doubted; and so was made mute until the time of the child’s birth. How often do we do the same, doubting just when our prayers might be answered? It’s as if it’s too good to be true, and to protect ourselves from disappointment we refuse to let ourselves give in to false hope. But the Lord does not give false hope: His promises are sure and He brings to pass something greater even than our wildest dreams.

Paused: Zacharias: An Answered Prayer

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# Title Length
1 Zacharias: An Answered Prayer 28m 27s download
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