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Covenant Renewal
Type of Event: Worship Service: Sermon only
Date Recorded: January 14, 2024
Location: Bryn Athyn Cathedral
King Josiah initiated the biggest reform and covenant renewal his country had ever seen. Amongst his reforms was the reinstatement of the Passover which had not been held in Jerusalem “since the days of the judges” (2 Kings 23:22). We will be considering the benefits of a covenant and why our covenant with the Lord is something that needs to be revisited and “renewed” on a regular basis.
# | Title | Length | |
1 | sermon | 19m 51s | download |
Lessons and text
Lessons: 2 Kings 22, 23 (selections); Arcana Coelestia (AC) 1038;
True Christian Religion (TCR) 730
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