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Living Gratefully 4 The Gift of Love
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 28, 2016
God's goal for each one of us is that we experience genuine love: love for Him and for other people. We know from experience that love that is forced is not really love at all; and so God never compels us to love or believe against our will. Instead, He calls us to follow Him freely, and to compel ourselves. This week, we will talk about how we can follow His example in our interactions with others – how we can resist the urge to control and dominate others, and instead appeal to what they love. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSALiving Gratefully 3 - “The Gift of Change"
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 21, 2016
This week we're going to be reflecting on what is involved in the process of changing. Do we change ourselves? Does the Lord change us? Understanding how this dynamic works can help us to focus our attention appropriately and change for the better with the Lord's help. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAMemorial Service For Caroline Royale Lester
Memorial Service - February 17, 2016
Memorial Service for Caroline Royale Lester written by Rt. Rev. Peter Buss Sr., originally delivered on 13 February in Canada, and delivered by Rev Malcolm Smith at New Church Westville. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSALiving Gratefully Part 2: The Gift of Freedom
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 14, 2016
From the time that Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden, God has offered us choices. Sometimes it seems like life would be easier if we didn't have to work so hard to choose to do good. Other times we don't feel very free at all. But still, most of recognise that freedom is an incredible gift from God. Why is freedom so important? And how can we experience genuine freedom - freedom from our own selfish impulses and habits? Join us for this second week in our "Living Gratefully" series as we talk about the first gift of Divine Providence: freedom. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSALiving Gratefully - Part 1: The Lord's Goals
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 07, 2016
This Sunday evening we begin our Living Gratefully program. “Living gratefully” - it sounds good but does it feel like something you could do or just like something for really spiritual people? Is it possible to live gratefully in the midst of the mess of a normal person's life? What does that look like? What difference can it make? | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAKainon School Founders Day - Living Gratefully
Worship Service: Informal Family - January 31, 2016
This year, our school theme is Living Gratefully. How do we notice the blessings in or lives and remember to thank the Lord for them? In particular on Founder's Day, we remember and thank the Lord for all the people who have contributed to Kainon School, and all the ways that Kainon School has been a blessing to the world. And we also ask: what is the best way to demonstrate our thankfulness, to not simply say “thank you” but to live gratefully. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSAGathering in the Lord's Name
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 24, 2016
This Sunday we're going to think about people gathering together. What different reasons do we gather together for? What changes when we gather together? How can we gather together in the Lord's name? | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAYou Must be Born Anew
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 17, 2016
Is it possible to really change? At the beginning of the year, it's a question we may find ourselves asking. The startling answer from the Lord's Word: both yes and no. According to the Word, we have two "selves" or "wills" at the same time: a fleshly one, and a spiritual one. The fleshly will doesn't change and will always be fleshly, but the good news is that we can choose to act from the spiritual one instead - if we put the fleshly one to death. How do we do that? Listen on! | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSASeeing Patterns by Eric Carswell
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 10, 2016
This Sunday we will be hearing a sermon by Eric Carswell called “Seeing Patterns.” It takes a funny and not very well-known story from the Old Testament and uses it to explore how we can come to see negative patterns in our lives, even when we don’t particularly want to. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAThe Son of God
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 20, 2015
Joseph was told that the Child in Mary's womb had been "conceived of the Holy Spirit"; Mary was told that the Child would be called "the Son of God." He would also be "Immanuel," that is, "God with us." How could He be both the Son of God and God Himself? It can seem like an abstract theological problem, but coming to grips with this question helps us to see more clearly who God is, and so be more closely conjoined with Him. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSAA Little Child Shall Lead Them
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 29, 2015
Christmastime can be a busy and stressful time of the year – gifts to buy, deadlines to meet, guests to welcome. But the heart of the Christmas story is something quite possible, “peace on earth.” The peace of Christmas is intimately tied to something else: the innocence of a Baby laid in a manger. How can we experience some of that innocence and peace amidst the turmoil of daily life? Come and listen! | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSABetrothal: “ What Matters to the Lord When People Get Engaged"
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 22, 2015
This morning we are going to witness a betrothal. It is a word which is not used much these days but is mentioned several times in the Word. What does 'betrothal' mean and what is important to the Lord when a couple get engaged? We are going to explore this topic this morning. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAPart 2 - Holding On
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 15, 2015
| By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSALetting Go - Part 1
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 08, 2015
Some of the most important decisions we make in life are about what we choose to let go of and what we hold onto with all of our might. Holding on can be a good thing or a bad thing, likewise letting go. This Sunday we're going to explore what the Word teaches about what to let go of and how to do it. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAMoney 3 “ What Does Money Mean to the Lord and About the Lord?"
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 01, 2015
What does money mean to the Lord and about the Lord? Over the last two weeks we've talked about what money can mean to and about us as individuals, and what money can mean to and about other people. This week we conclude this series by talking about what money means to and about the Lord. Does the Lord give people money as a sign of His favour? Does the Lord want us to give money to Him? Does the Lord care about money at all? | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSAMoney 2: “ What Does Money Mean to Others and About Others?"
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 25, 2015
Last week we explored different things that money can mean to us and what the way we use money means about us. This week we're venturing into the challenging territory of what money means to other people and about other people. We'll talk about money in marriage; we'll talk about the power that money gives us to affect other people's lives in good and bad ways; we'll talk about paying tax. Come along for the ride. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAMoney 1-What Does Money Mean to You and About You
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 18, 2015
We spend a lot of our time and energy on money. Earning it, saving it, budgeting it, arguing about how to spend it, worrying about having enough of it. It’s easy to get bogged down by it all. We need a higher perspective on money to help us figure out what to do. It’s not as simple as money is all bad or money is all good. Let’s see if we can learn from the Lord how to think about and handle money. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSALonging For Truth
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 11, 2015
When we're desperate for an answer from the Lord--when we're desperate to make sense of something or to find a way forward--sometimes then the Lord seems most absent. It feels like we're desperately thirsty in a wilderness with no water anywhere in sight. This Sunday is a lay service and the sermon being read is by the Rev. Brian Keith and it has some great insights about how to turn to the Lord for guidance in the right way. | By Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith | Westville, RSAWaiting For the Harvest
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 04, 2015
Have you discovered some motivations in yourself that are not so good--in fact that are ugly and hellish? What should you do about that? This Sunday I'll be reading a sermon by the Rev. Brian Smith about the parable of wheat and the tares and what we can learn from it about how and when evil can be removed from our lives. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSANaaman's Leprosy
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 27, 2015
When the great commander Naaman came to Israel to be cured of his leprosy by the prophet Elisha, he expected a big visible miracle. Instead, Elisha told him to simply wash in the Jordan River seven times and he would be clean. We can want spiritual healing to be big and instantaneous; but the reality is, spiritual healing usually happens in small, boring everyday things. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSAWhat's Wrong with Swearing?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 20, 2015
Is it wrong to curse or swear? Why? Church people are often pretty clear on the idea that taking the Lord's name in vain is not OK – it's one of the 10 Commandments – but they don’t tend to be as clear on other cursing or swearing. Is it wrong? Is it breaking one of the 10 Commandments or is it OK? | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAMarriage: It's Not About You, Looking Upward
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 13, 2015
Our final sermon in our series, “Marriage: It's Not About You,” is about looking to the Lord in marriage. You may have heard people talk about the importance of having the Lord in your marriage but that can sound kind of ethereal and abstract. What does that look like? Does it make an actual difference? How does it make a difference? | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAMarriage: It's Not About You, Looking Outward
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 06, 2015
This week we continue our series on marriage. Last week, we talked abut the need to focus on our partner and our partnership rather than ourselves. This week, we will talk about the need for a couple to look outward together: to find ways of serving the community, in particular (for some) by the way they raise a family, and in general (for all) by all the ways they work together for the good of society. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSAMarriage: It's Not About You
Worship Service: Children & Adult - August 30, 2015
It's easy in any relationship – and marriage in particular – for a person to focus on asking, “What am I getting out of this?” In our upcoming three part series, called “ It's Not About You,” we're looking at the ways we're called to flip that around, and focus instead on what we can give. Our first sermon, on the 30 August, will focus on the ways that we can put our partner's desires and the mutual needs of our marriage ahead of our own wants, without neglecting our own needs and desires. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Westville, RSAWeakness and Strength Part 3: After the Battle
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 23, 2015
The Gideon story unfortunately doesn’t end with the glorious victory over the Midianites. There’s some confusing, brutal conflict with other Israelites; there’s an execution of two Midianite kings; and then there’s an idol that Gideon makes that people start worshipping. It’s not the kind of story that we like to read and yet, if we want to gain an accurate picture of what is involved in living a spiritual life, it’s important to also look at the uncomfortable reality of what can happen after the times of strength and victory. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSA