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To See God
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 06, 2022
In the Old Testament the Lord told Moses that no one can see God and live. This is true: if we were to be exposed to the full Divinity of God it would be like being consumed by the sun. Yet God’s purpose in creation is to grow closer to humanity and to bless them. So while we cannot see God directly, there are ways that we can come to see Him more and more truly, and so develop a deeper and deeper relationship with Him. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSADaily Prayer
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 30, 2022
How often do you talk to the Lord? Is it often enough? Communication is a crucial aspect of any relationship and our relationship with the Lord is no different. If, for example, we only communicate with the Lord when we’re desperate and can’t think of anything else to try, that will severely limit our relationship with the Lord. If, on the other hand, we have a relationship with the Lord in which we’re talking to Him several times a day, that can be part of us having a real, active, and meaningful relationship with Him. Let’s talk about what prayer on a day-to-day basis looks like and how we can make progress in our regular communication with the Lord. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSADaily Repentance
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 23, 2022
The last couple of sermons have dealt with how we address our own evils. In essence this is repentance: admit you did something wrong, stop doing it, and live a better life. Repentance happens on a grand scale when we have done something egregious or when we are battling a lifelong tendency. But repentance can also be something that we are working on in little ways every single day. That might sound daunting: repent every day?! But when we understand what it means we can embrace it as both a possibility and a blessing. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAOK and Not OK
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 16, 2022
Last week Joel preached about admitting you were wrong and it got me thinking about how important the time after we’ve done something is. How we think about what we’ve done—whether it was good or bad—really matters. When we’ve done something wrong, do we acknowledge it or try to justify it? When we’ve done something good, what do we think about the action or ourselves afterward? Each day we’re going to do a whole bunch of different things and likely some of those things will be somewhat good and some will be somewhat selfish. We need the Lord’s help to sort out what in all of that is OK and what is not OK. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAAdmitting You Were Wrong
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 09, 2022
How do you respond when the Word tells you something that you don’t like? What if a way you see the world doesn’t fit with how the Word describes the world? How do you respond when you find out that something you’ve been doing for years and thought was fine is condemned in the Word? It’s a difficult question to answer. So today we are going to wrestle with how to listen to the Word and deal with the fear, sadness and embarrassment of admitting that you were wrong. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAWhere Have You Come From and Where are You Going
Worship Service: Informal Family - January 02, 2022
As we start a new year, it’s useful to reflect on the questions that the angel of the Lord asks Hagar in the desert: Where are you coming from? Where are you going? And what’s the matter? | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSANo Room for Them in the Inn
Worship Service: Informal Family - December 26, 2021
There will be a worship service on this day, even though it’s just the day after Christmas. It will be a simple family service, offered in-person and online. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAYou Shall Call His Name Jesus
Worship Service: Informal Family - December 25, 2021
What's in a name? When a child is born there are a nearly infinite number of possibilities for what they could be called. Yet as they grow and develop their name reflects more and more of their personality, until you cannot hear the name without thinking of the person. The name summarizes who they are. In the case of the Lord, Joseph was told quite directly that the child's name must be "Jesus;" and he was told this because Jesus, meaning "Jehovah Saves," perfectly summed up the nature or character of the Lord. This Christmas we will look at what this and other names tell us about who He was born to be. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSALight and Life
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 19, 2021
Jesus’ birth is described as the light shining in the darkness. One of the purposes for which Jesus came was to shine the light of truth into the world. But this truth was not just cold, hard, knowledge. It was truth that could show and lead to real love and goodness. In Him was life, and that life is the light of men. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAIn the Beginning
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 05, 2021
Every year we focus on the Christmas story as told in one of the four Gospel. This year we will focus on the Gospel of John. This presents a certain difficulty: John does not speak of any of the familiar elements of the Christmas story. There are no shepherds or wise men in John, no messages from angels, no journey to Bethlehem or manger in a stable. John looks beyond the historical story to the meaning or purpose of Christmas. In our first Christmas sermon this season we will explore what it means that “In the beginning was the Word,” and what it tells us about the meaning of Christmas. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAAn Eternal Perspective
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 28, 2021
As another year draws to a close and as many people are dealing with the stress of a manic time of year, let’s turn to the Lord’s Word this Sunday for passages about the Lord’s eternal perspective. Let’s zoom out for a few minutes on Sunday and think about what will still matter in a hundred years or a thousand years and then see if we can bring some of that perspective back into all that we’re trying to do before the end of the year. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSACollecting Vessels: New Church Education
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 21, 2021
Periodically, it is useful to reflect on the importance of New Church education and ask why we put so much time and energy into New Church schools. They generally aren’t money makers for the Church. Teaching and upholding new Church values is difficult. So why do we bother? Because of VESSELS! New Church education is all about providing appropriate vessels for our children so that they can learn most effectively. Also, children themselves are vessels and designed to receive input. Their minds are like dry sponges waiting to soak up anything that they hear. And that is why New Church education becomes so vitally important. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Westville, RSAFalse Humility
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 14, 2021
Jesus teaches that the first will be last, and the last first. He also teaches that he who would be great must become a servant. To be meek and mild therefore seems like the goal we should all aspire to. And this is true! But sometimes our very pursuit of humility can be hijacked by pride and turned into just one more means of gratifying our pride. Humility can be falsified, and true humility may look far more boisterous and assertive than we imagine. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAA Sermon about Sermons
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 07, 2021
One of the main things we do as part of our weekly worship services is have a sermon. But why? What is the purpose of a sermon? What makes a sermon good or not so good? How can you get the most out of even a mediocre sermon? Come on Sunday for a sermon about sermons. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAReligion and Politics - 2 - Heavenly Leadership
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 31, 2021
It’s often taken as a given that politicians will be self-serving, corrupt, incompetent, or all of the above. They seem to rank just below lawyers as the butt of jokes. Yet the position of being a government official is in itself, or at least ought to be, a sacred one. Anytime someone enters into leadership they take on the responsibility to serve, and the higher the position, the greater the responsibility. This Sunday we will look at how leadership works in heaven (and by contrast, in hell) and see what we can learn both about our own governments and our own roles as leaders. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAReligion and Politics, 1, Seeking the Lord's Justice in a Corrupt World
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 24, 2021
We don’t often talk about politics in church and with good reason. It can be done wrong in so many ways. And maybe it is better for there to be a “separation between church and state” in society. However, it’s not good for there to be that separation within an individual—it’s not good for there to be a separation between church and state in you. What can we do to try to better integrate our spiritual beliefs and our political beliefs? | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAAre You a Pessimist or an Optimist
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 17, 2021
Are optimists better than pessimists? Are pessimists just realistic while optimists are naive? What about the Lord? Is He optimistic about our potential, or does He bemoan the woeful nature of humanity? We have those two broad categories of people that conflict with each other. And at times they may be useful. But this Sunday we will look a little beyond these two categories to try to find a more spiritual view of society, humanity, and our future. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAThe 5 Senses - Part 3 - Touch
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 10, 2021
The last sense we’re going to cover in our series on the five senses is touch. Touch is a powerful sense and a big part of that is because of its role in relationships. Touch is one of the most powerful ways that we communicate and experience affection, comfort, and love; touch is also one of the most powerful ways that we communicate and experience anger, pain, and coercion. The Lord healed people through laying His hands on them. This Sunday we will reflect on touch and ask the Lord to bring us healing in this area of our lives too. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAThe 5 Senses - 2 - Sight and Hearing
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 03, 2021
We are in the middle of a series on the five senses. Each one of these physical ways of experiencing the physical world around us corresponds to the spiritual ways that we engage with spiritual reality. Last week Malcolm talked about how our senses of smell and taste reflect our ability to detect what is good or evil and choose to take in that which is good. This week we turn to sight and hearing, and we will explore what they teach us about learning and obeying what is true. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAThe 5 Senses, Part 1, Taste and Smell
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 26, 2021
Have you ever thought about why the Lord gave you a sense of smell or why He gave you a sense of taste? This Sunday we’re beginning a sermon series on the five senses and we will be focusing on taste and smell. We will look at some stories from the Lord’s Word that involve taste and smell and reflect on the spiritual significance of these senses in our lives. How can we become more sensitive to the things that the Lord wants us to notice? | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAStrands Through Scripture - 3 - Covenants
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 19, 2021
We are continuing to follow threads of meaning through the many stories of the Word. This Sunday we will follow the idea of the Covenant, the special agreement between God and mankind. On the surface it appears that this agreement changes drastically from the very contractual, blind-faith based one of the Old Testament to the loving, caring relationship presented in the New Testament. In reality, these covenants are one and the same, seen from different points of view. We’ll look at how we can change how we see our own agreements with the Lord so that we can form a relationship that inspires and transforms our lives. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAStrands Through Scipture -2- Precipitation
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 12, 2021
This Sunday we are going to look at another strand that runs through scripture from beginning to end: the imagery of precipitation. We might think of weather in the Bible as something going on in the background while the real story plays out between the human beings in the story but we can learn a lot about what’s going on in different stories by paying attention to the atmospheric conditions. We’ll look at the symbolism of the whole water cycle and also touch on things like dew, snow, and hail. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSASo He Gives His Beloved Sleep
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 05, 2021
The Word is written in such a way that every word and concept has a deeper spiritual meaning. These meanings are threaded through the entirety of the Word, tying together disparate and varied stories into one story with one message. This Sunday we will follow one of these threads by exploring sleep and wakefulness. In this theme we learn about the need to be vigilant and awake spiritually, as well as the need to rest and sleep in the Lord. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAWhat Kind of God do You Believe In?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 29, 2021
There are many ideas of God in the world. Over the history of the human race and in all the different religions around the world there is a huge variety of ideas about what God is like. So what God do you believe in? This Sunday we are going to look at a number of the different ways God is depicted and described in the Bible as an opportunity for you to reflect on your relationship with God. We’re also going to look at some common ways in which people’s beliefs about God can be hurting them. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSARenewed Life
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 22, 2021
Sometimes we think fondly back on the simplicity of childhood. Our biggest concerns seem small in comparison to what we face as adults. It’s a pity we cannot go back to that simple mind-set of trust and innocence. Or at least, that’s what a cynical world tells us. But the Lord offers hope in the face of pessimism. Even though we may have exchanged childish idealism for adult realism, that does not mean we can never go back. In fact the Lord promises that we can regain our innocence and find abundant hope even in a troubled world. It’s not too late. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSA