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Hope Restored

Worship Service: Children & Adult - September 18, 2011

No matter what you have said, thought or done, God never gives up on you. (Jeremiah 46-52; AE 518.38; Prophets & Psalms 112-118) Towards the north, by the bank of the river Euphrates, have they stumbled and fallen. Who is this that cometh up like a stream, whose waters are tossed like the streams? Egypt cometh up like a stream, and his waters are tossed like streams; for he saith, I will come up, I will cover the earth, I will destroy the city and those that dwell in it (Jer. 46:6-8). This signifies the destruction of the church and of its truths by false reasonings from confirming knowledges [scientifica]; the "north" signifies those in whom and from whom there is falsity, the "river Euphrates" false reasonings, "Egypt" confirming knowledges, the "waters that are tossed" falsities themselves, and "to come up, to cover the earth, to destroy the city and those that dwell in it," signifies the destruction of the church and of its doctrine, the "earth" meaning the church, the "city" doctrine of truth, and "those that dwell in it" its goods. Like things are signified by the Nile, "the river of Egypt," and by the Euphrates, "the river of Assyria," elsewhere in the Word (as in Isa. 7:18, 19; 11:15, 16; Ezek. 29:3-5, 10; 31:15; 32:2; Ps. 74:14, 15; 78:44; Exod. (Ps. 1377:17-21); also by "the rivers of Babylon":1). As all spiritual temptations come through falsities that break into the thoughts and infest the interior mind, thus through reasonings from falsities, so temptations are signified by the inundations of waters and by the erruptions of rivers and torrents. (AE 518.38) | By Rev. Todd J. Beiswenger | Ivyland New Church, PA
See Event (26m 19s)
The Lord's Coming

Worship Service: Children & Adult - November 28, 2010

How the message of the Lord's coming can bring beauty into your life. Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom... to establish it with judgement and with justice, from henceforth even forever. Isaiah 9:6-7 JEHOVAH GOD CAME DOWN AND TOOK UPON HIMSELF HUMAN FORM, IN ORDER TO REDEEM AND SAVE MANKIND. Christian churches to-day believe that God the Creator of the universe fathered a Son from eternity, who came down and took upon Himself human form to redeem and save mankind. But this is an error and collapses of its own accord, so long as the mind concentrates on the oneness of God, and the reason looks upon as fiction or worse the idea that the one God fathered a Son from eternity, and also that God the Father together with the Son and the Holy Spirit, each of whom is severally God, is one God. This fiction is utterly exploded, like a meteorite in the atmosphere, when it is shown from the Word that it was Jehovah God Himself who came down and became man and also was the Redeemer. TCR 82 Conjunction is not possible with an invisible God. The one God who is invisible, had to come into the world, and had taken on the human form, not only so as to redeem mankind, but also so as to become visible and thus capable of being linked with mankind. TCR 786 | By Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth | Ivyland New Church, PA
See Event (23m 41s)
Glorification and Redemption

Worship Service: Children & Adult - October 31, 2010

Jacob's Ladder and how the Lord changed everything (Arcana Coelestia 4075; John 14:27; True Christian Religion 418, 610, 599; Genesis 28:10-17) "When the Lord made the Human within Himself Divine, He too had communities of spirits and angels around Him; for it was His will that everything should be accomplished in keeping with order. But He chose for Himself the kind of communities that would be of service, and changed them as seemed good to Him. Yet He did not take any good or truth at all from them and apply it to Himself, but only from the Divine. And by acting in this way He also restored to order both heaven and hell; He restored them step by step until He had glorified Himself completely." (Secrets of Heaven 4075) "In the conflicts or temptations of men the Lord works a particular redemption; as He wrought a total redemption when in the world. By conflicts and temptations in the world the Lord glorified His Human, that is, made it Divine; in like manner now with man individually, when he is in temptations, the Lord fights for him, conquers the evil spirits who are infesting him, and after temptation glorifies him, that is, renders him spiritual. After His universal redemption the Lord reduced to order all things in heaven and in hell; with man after temptation He does in like manner, that is, He reduces to order all the things of heaven and the world that are in him. After redemption the Lord established a new church; in like manner He also establishes what pertains to the church in man, and makes him to be a church in particular. After redemption the Lord bestowed peace upon those who believed on Him, for He said: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives, give I unto you (John 14:27). Likewise He gives to man after temptation a sense of peace, that is, gladness of mind and consolation. From all this it is clear that the Lord is the Redeemer forever." (True Christian Religion 599) | By Rev. John L. Odhner | Ivyland New Church, PA
See Event (33m 01s)

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