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New Church Life - June 2008
"New Church Life" read aloud - June 01, 2008
Disc One: 1-Contents & Notes 3:23 2-Wings for the New Church by Cristovao R. Nobre 26:47 3-Resurrection Address for Charles Cole by Robert S. Junge 7:18 4-Prayer from A Buddhist/Swedenborgian Perspective by Jeremy K. Finkeldey 26:22 Disc Two: 1-Testimonies about Swedenborg by Donald L. Rose 4:40 2-June the Nineteenth by Dawn Barnitz Potts 9:14 3-Editorial: From New Heaven to New Church 19:16 4-Announcements 2:09 | By Rev. Robert S. Jungé; Rev. Donald L. Rose; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers; Rev. Cristovao R Nobre | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - May 2008
"New Church Life" read aloud - May 01, 2008
Disc One: 1-Contents & Notes 3:32 2-Be Still & Know that I am God by Thomas H. Rose 20:03 3-New Church Education for People with Special Challenges by Kirsten R. Rogers 39:34 Disc Two: 1-When Prayers Go Unanswered by E. Kent Rogers 26:26 2-Editioral: Laying Down Your Life 15:07 3-Church News: Hurstville Society Sydney Australia 9:59 | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - April 2008
"New Church Life" read aloud - April 01, 2008
Disc 1: 1-Contents, Notes, A Message from Tom Kline 4:55 2-Small Talk With God, a Sermon by Garry B Walsh 19:16 3-Looking Beyond Self and the World by Bill Hall 8:25 4-Prayer: Our Connection to the Spiritual World by Annika Fitzpatrick 36:22 Disc 2: 1-Editorial- The History of the Word on Earth: the Writings 35:22 2-Review: A Lexicon to the Latin Text 10:59 3-Church News: Brazil 2:06 | By Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers; Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - March 2008
"New Church Life" read aloud - March 05, 2008
2 CD Set: Disc 1: 1-Contents and Notes 5:53 2-Walking on Water, a Sermon by Stephen D. Cole 11:56 3-Reflections on the Sermon: Kenneth and Janet Briggs 20:45 4-Bound on Earth, Bound in Heaven by Don Brandis 23:22 Disc 2: 1-Editorial: The Lord's Redemption At Easter 5:48 2-Editorial: How Does the New Church Increase? 20:06 3-Science and Correspondences by Julie Conaron 6:46 4-General Church and Academy by Eric H. Carswell 2:07 5-General Church and Academy by Bruce Henderson 2:01 6-Church News: Translation Goal by Donald L. Rose 2:28 7-Church News: Eldergarten 2008 by Forrest Dristy 9:55 8-Announcements 5:41 | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell; Rev. Stephen D. Cole; Rev. Donald L. Rose; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Julie Conaron; Multiple Speakers; Bruce Henderson | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - February 2008
"New Church Life" read aloud - February 01, 2008
2 CD Set: Disc 1: 1-Contents and Notes 4:24 2-Arise and Measure: A Personal Rule, a Sermon by Fred E. Elphick 18:28 3-Happy Epiphany by Martie Johnson, Jr. 15:37 Disk 2: 1-Memorial: Kenneth Stroh Memorial Service by G. H. Odhner 12:47 2-Memorial: Erik Sandstrom Sr. Resurrection Address by C. R. J. Smith 15:36 3-Editorial- The History of the Word on Earth: The New Testament 17:00 4-Church News: First Official Meeting of the New Church in India 4:39 5-Church News: They Were New Church: Robert H. P. Cole 6:01 | By Rev. Robert H. Cole; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers; Martie Johnson | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - January 2008
"New Church Life" read aloud - January 01, 2008
2 CD Set: Disc 1: 1-Contents and Notes 3:51 2-Three Paths Into The Kingdom, a Sermon by Scott I. Frazier 23:47 Disc 2: 1-Renewing the Culture by Walter E. Orthwein 33:11 2-Editorial: The Case Herein is This, In the Lord's Mercy below 16:01 3-Editorial: The History of the Word on Earth: The Old Testament 12:22 | By New Church Life | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - December 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - December 01, 2007
CD Tracks: 1-Contents and Notes 3:12 2-The Word Made Flesh, a Sermon by Eric H. Carswell 22:48 3-The Christmas Season, a Sermon by N. Bruce Rogers 19:39 4-Editorial: The Shepherds Rejoicing 4:42 5-Editorial- The History of the Word on Earth: The Ancient Word 13:18 6-Directory of the General Church, Announcements, Annual Index 2007 1:27 | By New Church Life | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - November 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - November 01, 2007
CD Tracks: 1-Contents & Notes 3:38 2-You Can Heal Spiritual Suffering, a Sermon by Glenn M. Frazier 17:56 3-Two Gates: Baptism and the Holy Supper by Eric H. Carswell 20:25 4-Editorial: O Give Thanks Unto the Lord 3:36 5-Editorial: The Lord and Judgment Day 20:12 6-Editorial: History of the Word on Earth 7:32 7-Church News: Caryndale School Dedication by Thomas L. Kline 2:20 8-Report of the Secretary of the General Church, General Church Schools Directory, Announcements 1:36 | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers; Rev. Glenn (Mac) Frazier | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - October 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - October 01, 2007
2 CD Set: Disc 1: 1-Contents & Notes 4:14 2-Preparation for Life after Death, a Sermon by Philip B. Schnarr 18:59 3-Uses and Usefulness by Michael D. Gladish 30:17 Disc 2: 1-Editorial: History of the Word Revealed on Earth 5:39 2-Editorial: Creation out of Nothing? 23:29 3-Music in Heaven by Donald L. Rose 10:12 4-Church News: Rededication of the Dawson Creek Church by Nina Kline 8:12 5-Contacts for Worship and Announcements 1:03 | By Rev. Michael D. Gladish; Rev. Donald L. Rose; Edward Cranch; Rev. Philip B. Schnarr; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - September 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - September 01, 2007
2 CD Set Disc 1: 1-Contents & Notes 4:32 2-Realizing the Dreams of Marriage, a Sermon by David H. Lindrooth 18:20 3-General Church Outreach Effort 11:02 4-Paradigms Revisited, Part 3 by Alfred Acton II 32:00 Disc 2: 1-Appendix to Paradigms Revisited 12:28 2-Editorial: I Love the Church 12:22 3-Editorial: How Does the New Church Increase? 8:23 4-Editorial: The History of the Word Revealed 8:24 5-A Brief Experience of Heaven - A Book Noted, "90 Minutes in Heaven", by Donald L. Rose 6:01 6-Church News: General Church on the Ivory Coast, Dawson Creek society and also Announcements 2:04 | By Rt. Rev. Alfred II Acton; Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth; Rev. Donald L. Rose; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - July and August 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - August 01, 2007
2 CD Set - Double Issue Disc 1: 1-Contents & Notes 4:57 2-Predestined to Heaven (A Sermon) by Brian W. Keith 19:14 3-The Spirit of Truth by Walter E. Orthwein 11:44 4-Growing Older by Donald C. Fitzpatrick 20:01 Disc 2: 1-Paradigms Revisited, Part 2 by Alfred Acton II 34:48 2-Declaration of Faith and Purpose by Ekow Essiedu Eshun 2:11 3-Declaration of Faith and Purpose by Godwin Zattey-Agbogo 1:55 4-New Minister Assignments 1:50 5-Editorial: The New Editor 4:57 6-Comminication: Paradigms Revisitied - A Response by Bruce R. Jarvis 7-Academy of the New Church 2007-2008 Calendar, Bryn Athyn College Graduates 2007, and Announcements 0:58 | By Rt. Rev. Alfred II Acton; Donald C Jr Fitzpatrick; Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith; Rev. Walter E. III Orthwein; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers | Bryn Athyn, PANew Americans
CD Single Track Speaker: Suzan Laidlaw Independence Day-Flag Pole Ceremony Brian Cooper, MC | By Multiple Speakers; Brian Cooper | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - June 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - June 01, 2007
Disc 1: 1-Content & Notes 3:48 2-The Lord God Jesus Christ Reigns (A New Church Day Sermon) by Daniel W. Heinrichs 10:42 3-The Three Great Festivals of the Church (Christmas, Easter & June Nineteenth) by Erik Sandstrom, Sr. 29:41 Disc 2: 1-Responding to the Lord's Word, Part 2-concluded (Approaching written revelation to be led to the Lord) by Grant H. Odhner 29:45 2-Editorial: A Celebration of Spiritual Freedom 6:13 3-Church News: The Ukraine and Georgia by Goran Appelgren 3:49 4-Church News: A New Location for the Boston Society 2:59 | By Rev. Göran R. Appelgren; Rev. Daniel W. Heinrichs; Rev. Grant H. Odhner; Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom; Edward Cranch; New Church Life | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - May 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - May 01, 2007
Disc 1: 1-Contents & Notes 3:48 2-The Lord's Coming in Conjugial Love (A Sermon in Prepartion for New Church Day) by Fred Elphick 14:39 3-Paradigms Revisited, Part 1 by Alfred Acton II 33:03 4-Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness by Stephen Smith 8:14 Disc 2: 1-Responding to the Lord's Word, Part 2 (Approaching written revelation to be led to the Lord) by Grant Odhner 23:25 2-Editorial: Spring 5:22 3-Communication: Reincarnation by Erik Sandstrom, Sr. 6:12 4-Church News: Under the Mango Tree by Ron Schnarr 9:27 5-Announcements 5:39 | By Rt. Rev. Alfred II Acton; Rev. Frederick C. Elphick; Rev. Grant H. Odhner; Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers; Stephen H. Smith; Rev Ronald D. Schnarr | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - April 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - April 01, 2007
CD Tracks: 1-Content & Notes 4:01 2-Entering Into Glory, an Easter sermon by Kurt Horigan Asplundh 18:06 3-Responding to the Lord's Word, Part 1 (Approaching written revelation to be led by the Lord) by Grant Odhner 27:53 4-Report: Council of the Clergy Meetings 2007 7:34 5-Report: First Asia Missionary Course Commencement 5:03 6-General Church Council, LTD (Third in a series on General Church Corporations) by Mary Warwick 7:45 7-Editorial: Serving the Church 4:02 8-Church News: Toronto, Canada by Doris McDonald, Contacts for Worship and Announcements 5:14 | By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh; Rev. Grant H. Odhner; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - March 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - March 01, 2007
Disc 1: 1-Contents & Notes 4:24 2-The Hour Has Come, Grant Odhner 30:28 3-The Last Judgment (After Two Hundred and Fifty Years), Andrew M.T. Dibb 22:02 Disc 2: 1-The South African Corporation, Gerald G. Waters 13:40 2-Editorial: Anniversary of the Last Judgment 4:16 3-Communication: Why Not Reincarnation?Daniel W. Goodenough 7:33 4-Church News: Establishment of the General Church in Ghana, William Ankra-Badu 23:28 | By Rev. William O. Ankra-Badu; Rev. Dr Andrew M. Dibb; Rev. Daniel W. Goodenough; Rev. Grant H. Odhner; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers; Rev. Gerald G. Waters | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - February 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - February 01, 2007
Disc One: 1-Contents and Notes 4:15 2-No, The Devil Did Not Make You Do It: A Sermon by Amos Glenn 16:40 3-Growing Young: Reflections on Age by Geoffrey S. Childs 34:03 Disc Two: 1-Why Spanish? Why Now?: Why Translate the Writings Into Spanish? by David Simpson 11:05 2-Spreading the Doctrines in Mexico 5:49 3-Tribute to Tatsuya Nagashima by Peter M. Buss, Sr. 2:54 4-Tribute to Tatsuya Nagashima by Donald L. Rose 6:48 5-Book Noted: One Heart: Finding Happiness in Marriage by Erik J. Buss 7:33 6-Editorial: The Age of Wisdom: 5:18 7-Communication: Why Not Reincarnation? by Jenny Keal 4:37 8-Communication: Reincarnation by Jan Weiss 0:58 9-Announcements 0:53 | By Rev. Erik J. Buss; Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Sr.; Rev. Geoffrey S. Jr. Childs; Rev. Donald L. Rose; Rev. Jan H. Weiss; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers; Rev. R. Amos Glenn | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - January 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - January 01, 2007
Disc 1 Tracks: 1-Contents and Notes 3:48 2-Spiritual Spheres: A sermon by George McCurdy 15:42 3-Why Not Reincarnation: A New Church Perspective by Dan Goodenough 11:28 4-Part 2: Predestination and Human Prudence by David Simpson 26:02 Disc 2 Tracks: 1-Ndaizane Albert Thabede: A Resurrection Service by Peter M. Buss, Sr. 13:04 2-Editorial: How Should We Think of the Future? 4:31 3-Communications: Predestination & Human Prudence (Part One) by David Lister and 4-Communications: The Dawson Creek Society and a 50th Anniversary by Michael Gladish 1:52 5-Church News: A Special Garden in Hurstville, Australia by Norman Heldon 3:10 | By Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Sr.; Rev. Michael D. Gladish; Rev. Daniel W. Goodenough; Rev. George D. McCurdy; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers; Dr. David Lister | Bryn Athyn, PAThe Lord's Prayer
©2003 The Childs Family. (P)General Church. | By Multiple Artists | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - December 2006
"New Church Life" read aloud - December 01, 2006
CD Tracks: 1-Content & Notes 3:50 2-Why the Lord was Born as a Man: David W. Ayers 17:11 3-The Kingdom Within: Barry C. Halterman 22:53 4-Annunciation to Mary: Editorial 2:53 5-Authority of the Writings: Yadah Alden 1:50 6-A Reflection: Donald Fitzpatrick 2:50 7-Directory of the General Church 2005-2006, Announcements, Annual Index 2006 4:20 | By New Church Life | Bryn Athyn, PAEric's Birthday Suit and Other Stories
Childrens Story - November 03, 2006
FOR SALE ONLY A delightful cast of characters bring these four endearing stories about children in the spiritual world to life. (3-7 years old) CD Tracks: 1-Eric's Birthday Suit 2-The Smallest Second Grader 3-The Forgetful Sisters 4-A Song for Swedenborg | By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn, PA