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How to Love Work
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - September 03, 2017
But Simon answered and said to him, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net." And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. (Luke 5:5-6) John and Lori Odhner hold copyright on opening hymn. Used by permission. | By Rev. Philip B. Schnarr | Bryn Athyn CathedralHelping Each Other: Part 3 - Offering Spiritual Support
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 03, 2017
In this sermon we are concluding the Helping Each Other series by talking about how to offer spiritual support. It sounds so good–offering spiritual support. And it is so good and can make such a difference when it’s done well. But offering spiritual support can also be done badly–people can be arrogant, controlling, clueless, etc. in the ways they approach "trying to help" and they can end up actually making things worse. But the answer isn’t that we should stop trying. Let’s learn what the Lord teaches about how to avoid common pitfalls and how we can best approach offering spiritual support to others. Download the workbook and other resources for doing this program at | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAThe Fruit of the Tree
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 03, 2017
| By Michael Ferrell | Mitchellville, MDConscience And Temptations
Worship Service: Adult (full service with music) - August 27, 2017
Adult Evening Service - Speaker - Candidate Judah E. Synnestvedt | By Rev. Judah E. Synnestvedt | Kempton, PAHeaven and Hell Pt. 6 - Working for the Common Good - Government in Heaven
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 27, 2017
This is Part 6 of our series following the book 'Heaven and Hell'. Here we consider the nature of government in heaven, and how ultimately everyone is led by the Lord in accordance with how wise they are relative to the rest of their angelic community, and how everyone strives to serve the common good. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZAn Ally on the Inside
Worship Service: Informal Family - August 27, 2017
In Joshua chapter two, Joshua sent spies into the city of Jericho to determine how hard it would be to take the city. While they were there the spies found an unexpected ally in a woman named Rahab. What does “Rahab" represent in our spiritual battles? Non-copyrighted music included. | By Rev. Solomon J. Keal | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallJonah, Part 4 - Right to be Angry?
Worship Service: Informal Family - August 27, 2017
The Lord asks us to look at the source and value of our anger. It is not wrong to be angry, but there are different kinds of anger and we are responsible to evaluate our anger and act appropriately. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Sarver, PAHelping Each Other: Part 2 - Getting Spiritual Support
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 27, 2017
We know that the Lord has created us to love others; but what about ourselves? Can that love also be from the Lord? All of us have needs that must be met but it can be hard to ask for help. We worry about putting a burden on others or opening ourselves up to criticism. Yet the Lord is clear that we are to love ourselves. If we cannot love ourselves enough to get the help that we need, we lose the ability to help others. When we ask for help we are not being selfish, but rather are taking the first steps towards helping others. Download the workbook and other resources for doing this program at | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAWhen Is Time the Enemy?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 27, 2017
So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed but a few days to him because of the love he had for her. (Genesis 29:20) | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn CathedralJudgement
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 27, 2017
Fifth in the series on The Life of Religion | By Rev. Michael D. Gladish | Mitchellville, MDResurrection Service for Dale E. Glenn
Memorial Service - August 24, 2017
Resurrection Service for Dale E. Glenn Readings: Psalm 37: 23-25,31; Psalm 103: 1-5; Psalm 127: 3-5; John 14: 23, 25-27; John 21: 1-13; Exodus 35: 31-35; Divine Love XIII; Heaven and Hell 449; Arcana Coelestia 2449.2; Arcana Coelestia 8939 | By Rev. Brett D. Buick | Kempton, PALois C. Asplundh Memorial Address
Memorial Service - August 23, 2017
August 3, 1928 to August 19, 2017 | By Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth | Bryn Athyn CathedralLooking for the Good in People
Worship Service: Informal Family - August 20, 2017
We as a human race are often stuck in the evil of hatred and violence. In Genesis chapter 18, Abraham pleads with the Lord, and asks Him if He would still destroy Sodom even if there were just a few good people there. The Lord says He would spare the city if there were just a few good people there. This story describes how desperately the Lord wants the whole human race to be rescued from “Sodom” (representing the evil of hatred and violence) and to get to heaven. The Lord sets an example for how we too can look for even the smallest amount of goodness in other people. | By Rev. Solomon J. Keal | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallJonah, Part 3 - Turn from the Evil Way
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 20, 2017
The sends Jonah to warn Nineveh that they are headed for destruction and they turn from their way. If we are to live a fulfilling spiritual life, we have to be sensitive to the Lord's teaching and warnings and turn from our way to His way. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Sarver, PARegeneration To Acknowledge The LORD
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 20, 2017
Children's Talk Title - Ezekiel's Vision Of The Dry Bones 1st Lesson: Ezekiel 37: 1-10 2nd Lesson; Ezekiel 37: 11-14 3rd Lesson: Arcana Coelestia 3812: 1e, 2, 6 | By Rev. Lawson M. Smith | Kempton, PABeing Safe
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - August 20, 2017
Full service. "Spiritual power is to will the good of another, and to will to convey to another as far as possible what is with oneself." (Apocalypse Explained 79) Copyrighted music not included. | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn CathedralPride, Humility and Self Esteem
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 20, 2017
This sermon is about pride and humility and how they relate to self-esteem. | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn CathedralRepentance
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 20, 2017
| By Rev. Michael D. Gladish | Mitchellville, MDHelping Each Other: Part 1 - Challenges and Opportunities
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 20, 2017
This Sunday we begin the sermons that go along with the Helping Each Other: How to Serve Spiritual Needs programme. Helping each other sounds great in theory but it can also be really challenging. We're going to start this series by looking at the challenges involved and how the Lord's teachings can help us to overcome them. For Part 2 by Rev. Joel Glenn search by date: August 27, 2017. For Part 3 by Rev. Malcolm Smith search by date: September 3, 2017. Download the workbook and other resources for doing this program at | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAHeaven and Hell Pt. 5 - Time and Appearances in Heaven
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 13, 2017
This is Part 5 in our series following the book 'Heaven and Hell'. We consider what it might be like to be angels in heaven who have no sense of time and space the way we in the world do. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZJonah, Part 2 - Miracle of Change
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 13, 2017
The Lord has the power to perform miracles, but miracles without inner faith do not help us. If we believe in the Word and the miracles performed there, we can develop an inner faith which the Lord can use to do the most important miracles, change our hearts and minds. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Sarver, PA"Service service"
Worship Service: Informal Family - August 13, 2017
We’re doing something quite different in our service this morning. Solomon had the idea of having what he calls a “service service” this week. New Church theology tells us that worship comes in many forms. Apocalypse Explained 325 says “Worship does not consist just of prayers and external devotion, but in a life of charity.” So this week, our worship service will be doing useful things to contribute to this service and congregation. Matthew 12:1-12 Secrets of Heaven 7884 Secrets of Heaven 7038 | By Rev. Solomon J. Keal | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallHe Shall Shepherd Them With A Staff Of Iron
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - August 13, 2017
Family Service - Talk Title - He Shall Shepherd Them With A Staff Of Iron 1st Lesson: Dan 2: 31-44 2nd Lesson: Revelation 12: 1-5 3rd Lesson: Apocalypse Revealed 148, 543, 544 (parts) | By Rev. Lawson M. Smith | Kempton, PARetaliation, and Taking Risks to Give
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 13, 2017
When people offend us or attack our intentions or motives, what should we do? Our tendency is to hit back, but He has a better way. And why did He say we should turn the other cheek? Did He mean it literally? | By Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Sr. | Westville, RSA