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Loving the Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 21, 2017
"Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" Peter said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I care about You" (John 21:16) | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Spirit of the Lord Moving Us
Worship Service: Informal Family - May 21, 2017
Just exactly what is the Holy Spirit? How do we see the Holy Spirit in our lives? "When people who are perceptive have feelings of compassion they know that they are being alerted by the Lord to offer help." (AC 6737) "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor." (Isaiah 61:1) | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallThe Call to Leadership
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - May 21, 2017
| By Rev. Brian D. Smith | Mitchellville, MDHow Do We Show Love?
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - May 21, 2017
So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Feed My Lambs." (John 21:15) Because the offertory was copyright protected it was replaced by a hymn from the 11 AM service. | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn CathedralCorrespondences In The Land of Canaan
Doctrinal Class - May 17, 2017
A five class series. Series plagued by technical problems. Most of it recorded by remote microphone. Most discussion not included. | By Rev. Dr Andrew M. Dibb | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageStanding Up for Her Children: A Mother's Day message
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 14, 2017
The mother of the disciples James and John approached the Lord and asked if it were possible for them to sit at His right hand and His left in His kingdom. Her understanding of the nature of the Lord's kingdom might have been faulty at the time, but, that doesn't mean that she wasn't being led by two powerful united forces from the Lord, the love of marriage, or conjugial love, and the love of children, or storge. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZHonoring Our Mothers
Worship Service: Informal Family - May 14, 2017
New Church theology tells us that there are many different “mothers” we can honor in our lives, including: actual mothers, mother figures, the Church, and the Lord as to Divine Wisdom (see Doctrine of Sacred Scripture 67). We’ll look at the story of Moses’ Mom, and Pharaoh’s daughter (Exodus 2). This service will feature women lay readers. | By Rev. Solomon J. Keal | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallVision for Heaven on Earth
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - May 14, 2017
A vision for what the New Church has to offer is “To work for heaven on earth from the inside out.” If we take up this vision and live it out for ourselves and offer to others, the Lord can bring healing and hope to this world. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Sarver, PAFinding Jesus in the Life of Abraham, Part 3
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - May 14, 2017
This Sunday we continue with our exploration of the Abraham story and how every detail speaks directly to the heart and mind of Jesus Christ. As our final entry in the series we will look at the near sacrifice of Abraham's son Isaac. While horrendous on the surface, the deeper meaning reveals the trauma that Jesus faced as He fought to embody Divine Love in everything that He did. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAThe LORD Answers Us In His Word
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - May 14, 2017
Family Service - Talk Title - The LORD Answers Us In His Word 1st Lesson: 1 Samuel 23: 1-13 2nd Lesson: John 14: 15-26 (not recorded) 3rd Lesson: Sacred Scripture 44: 3 | By Rev. Lawson M. Smith | Kempton, PAMothers and Remains
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 14, 2017
But Zion said, "Jehovah has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me." Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands, your walls are continually before Me. (Isaiah 49:14-16) | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn CathedralFinding Jesus in the Life of Abraham, Part 2
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - May 08, 2017
This Sunday evening we'll be exploring a difficult story—the story of Abraham bargaining with God and asking Him if He will still destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if even just a few good people are there. The teachings of the New Church say that, in this strange and somewhat disturbing story, we can actually find a glimpse into the heart and mind of Jesus Christ when He was in this world and gain a better understanding of His incredible love for people who are trapped in evil. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSABehold, the Days Have Come
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 07, 2017
This message reflects on the risen Lord and the secrets He revealed to His disciples on His final walk with them from Jerusalem to Bethany before He rose to heaven before their eyes. The primary secret was that His love for each of us is contained within every minute detail of His Word. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZI Have Called You By Name
Worship Service: Informal Family - May 07, 2017
"Even in our world a 'name' means more than just a name - it also means what someone is like. People's natures get attached to their names." (True Christianity 300) "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine." (Isaiah 43:1) | By Rev. John L. Odhner | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallA Heavenly Reward
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 07, 2017
"And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward." (Matthew 10:42) | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn CathedralFeeling the Joy of Heaven
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - May 07, 2017
"But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly." (Matthew 6:6) | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn CathedralMerit and Mediate Good
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - May 07, 2017
Sunday School Service - Children's Talk Title - How to be Profitable Servants 1st Lesson: Luke 17: 7-10 2nd Lesson: Luke 17: 1-6 3rd Lesson: Arcana Coelestia 4145: 2-3 | By Rev. Lawson M. Smith | Kempton, PARest in the Lord
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - May 07, 2017
| By Rev. Michael D. Gladish | Mitchellville, MDRationality
Doctrinal Class - May 03, 2017
Freedom and rationality are the two basic capacities that make us human. We spend a lot of time talking about the nature of freedom, but less on the nature of rationality. In some ways you could say that all of the problems facing the world today are because we are not bringing our rationality to bear on the issue, or that we are doing it in the wrong way. This three class series explores what it is and is not, and how to use what the Lord has given us better. | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn Cathedral Social HallFinding Jesus in the Life of Abraham, Part 1
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - May 02, 2017
What can the life of a man, dead now for thousands of years, teach us about our God? The story of Abraham, called to leave his home, tasked with producing a new nation, a people for God, may seem a distant fable. Yet in the details of Abraham's life we can find, if we look deeply enough, insight into the life of God Himself. This Sunday we will look for some of these insights and find a deeper understanding of our Lord. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAOpening The Door to Heaven
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - April 30, 2017
This morning we are having a family service, which means that the children are invited to stay for the entire service. The talk will be directed mainly to the children, but will include a message that we can all benefit from. In the book of Revelation the Lord gives messages to seven churches. Today we will read the message He gives to the church in Philadelphia. In this message the Lord speaks of an open door that no one is able to shut. According to the Heavenly Doctrines, we always have the choice to either open a door that leads to hell, or a door that leads to heaven. How doe we open the door that leads to heaven? How do we keep the door that leads to hell shut? In the message to the church in Philadelphia the Lord explains why He is able to place before them an open door to heaven: 1. Because you have little power: You know you can do nothing from yourself. 2. Because you have kept My Word: You live according to the Lord's commandments. 3. Because you have not denied My Name: You are in the worship of the Lord. Everyday you have the choice to either open a doorway that leads to hell, or a doorway that leads to heaven. Which will you choose? Recitation: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with Me." (Revelation 3:20) Readings: The Book of Revelation: 3:7-11 Heaven and Hell: #430 | By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | West Concord, MAThe Centurion's Faith In The LORD
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - April 30, 2017
Family Service - Talk Title - The Centurion's Faith in the LORD 1st Lesson: Matthew 8: 5-13 2nd Lesson: Arcana Coelestia 3019 (portion) | By Rev. Arne J. Bau-Madsen | Kempton, PAHow the Lord Views Us
Worship Service: Sermon only - April 30, 2017
From much experience I have been led to know that members of every religion are saved provided that they have received through a life of charity remains of good and appearances of truth. This is what was meant by, 'if ten were found [there] they would not be destroyed for the sake of ten', that is, that if remains were present they would be saved. (AC 2284) | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn CathedralHow the Lord Sees Us When We Do Wrong
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - April 30, 2017
The Lord's mercy is forever. Offertory "God Is Love" was copyright protected. It was replaced by hymn from the 11 am service. | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn CathedralPeace Be With You
Worship Service: Sermon only - April 30, 2017
When the Lord suddenly appeared in the room with His disciples on the evening of Easter Sunday, His first words to them were, "Peace be with you." New Church teachings help us to understand that the risen Lord was Peace itself. Therefore, He was saying to, not only His disciples, but all people, "I am Peace, and I am with you!" | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZ