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Facing Our Fears
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - February 19, 2017
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage: do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go," (Joshua 1:9) Offertory replaced by hymn from 11 am service because the former was copyright protected. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Bryn Athyn CathedralCourage
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 19, 2017
"And Barak said to [Deborah], "If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go!" So she said, "I will surely go with you; nevertheless there will be no glory for you in the journey you are taking, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman." (Judges 4:8-9) Closing Prayer by Rev EH Carswell. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Bryn Athyn CathedralCharles F. White Memorial Address
Memorial Service - February 19, 2017
| By Rev. Charles E. Blair | Bryn Athyn CathedralAmanda Fisher Fletcher Memorial Address
Memorial Service - February 14, 2017
| By Rev. Dr Andrew M. Dibb | Bryn Athyn CathedralNinety Years and Up 2
1) Christa Bedford: Introduction, 1:59. 2) Ruth Lynch: Cairnwood Village, 6:01. 3) Geoffrey Cooper: WW II, 8:03. 4) Barbara Packer: Teaching, 3:24. 5) Homer Needle: Farming, 3:40. 6) James Junge: Education, 6:10. 7) Dorothy Brown for Judy Rhodes, 3:15. 8) Hyland & Beth Johns: Experiences, 11:47. 9) C Bedford: Recognitions, 6:57. 10) G Cooper: HVS&L, 8:16. | By Multiple Speakers | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageDo Good, and Lend, Hoping for Nothing in Return
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 12, 2017
This worship message is in honoring of everyone who is a caregiver. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZResistance
Worship Service: Informal Family - February 12, 2017
Why is it that when we start to choose something good in our life, we often end up facing resistance, discouragement, or conflict? Sometimes it might even feel like we’re being punished for doing something good. Right after the Lord was baptized by John, He faced temptation in the wilderness with the devil (see Matt 3:16-17, 4:1-11). This is our story as well. Why is this normal and to be expected? How can we maintain hope and positivity through all this? How does the Lord use these times to make us stronger? | By Rev. Solomon J. Keal | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallWhat Would Love Do?, Part 5 - Love Visits
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 12, 2017
The Lord teaches us that when visit the sick we visit Him. We can do this physically and spiritually. We visit the spiritually sick by maintaining connections with people who are living a life contrary to what the Lord teaches because their desires lead them there. The Lord's miracles of healing the sick symbolize His healing of spiritual disease. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Sarver, PAThe Voice of Joy and Gladness, The Voice Of the Bridegroom And Bride
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - February 12, 2017
Family Service - Talk Title - The Voice of Joy and Gladness, The Voice of the Bridegroom and Bride 1st Lesson: Jeremiah 33: 1-12 2nd Lesson: Conjugial Love 457 (portion) | By Rev. Brett D. Buick | Kempton, PAHow Well Do We Know the Lord
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 12, 2017
A number of people in Scripture had the opportunity to see God. Moses saw Him. So did some of the prophets. And of course the Lord's own disciples saw Him when He walked on earth. This is what the Word of God is for: it is the way we come to see and know our God. How is this working out for us? Do we see and know our God from His Word? Is it making a difference in our lives? Let's look at some of the ways the Lord is revealing Himself to us. | By Rev. Louis D. Synnestvedt | Westville, RSADoubt
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - February 12, 2017
Resistance; the external discomfort when we consider change and the inner discomfort that comes when we actually try to change. John & Lori Odhner hold copyright on "He Has Shown You". Used by permission. Two other hymns copyright protected and are not included. | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn CathedralMarry Willis Memorial Address
Memorial Service - February 12, 2017
Oct. 30, 1961 to Jan. 23, 2017 | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn CathedralResistance
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 12, 2017
Make space for restorative practices. Resistance: the external discomfort when we consider change and the inner discomfort that comes when we actually try to change. | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn CathedralCuriosity
Worship Service: Informal Family - February 05, 2017
Our curiosity is the spark that moves us forward in the creative process. To be curious is to be thirsty. Explore the story in John 4, where Jesus met a Samaritan woman at Jacob's well, and she asked about the water that would forever quench thirst. | By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallThe Heavenly Marriage
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 05, 2017
During the month of February, we will be having a series of worship services on the topic of marriage. We begin this morning with a very general look at where marriage comes from. In a nut shell, the marriage between a husband and a wife comes from the perfect marriage (or union) that exists between the Lord's Divine Love and Wisdom. Because these two things are perfectly united within the Lord, we can see an image of their marriage throughout His creation. This morning we will look at how this heavenly marriage between the Lord's Divine Love and Wisdom exists within each of us as individuals. There are two things we will focus on: 1. What happens when we have some truth within us, but not enough goodness? 2. What happens when we have some goodness within us, but not enough truth? This week reflect on the perfect marriage between goodness and truth that the Lord is working to form within you. Why is this important? Because if something is going badly in your life, chances are this marriage is out of balance! Next week we will look at how this heavenly marriage exists on a more general level between a husband and wife. | By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | West Concord, MABetrothal And Regeneration
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 05, 2017
Sunday School Service - Children's Talk Title - Betrothal: Pray To The LORD to Guide Us 1st Lesson: Genesis 24: 12-21, 50, 57-58 2nd Lesson: Hosea 2: 2-8, 14-23 3rd Lesson: Arcana Coelestia 9182: 1-4 (parts) | By Rev. Lawson M. Smith | Kempton, PAWhat Would Love Do?, Part 4 - Love Comforts
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 05, 2017
The Lord teaches us that when we clothe the unclothed we cloth Him. We can do this physically and spiritually. We clothe people spiritually by teaching them what the Lord says about a good life, but we have to do it with compassion and love. The Lord has literally been clothed and unclothed by the human response to Him. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Sarver, PACuriosity and a Desire to Live a Better Life
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 05, 2017
Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?" For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. (John 4:9) | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Great Parable of Genesis
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 05, 2017
The Story of Joseph is the revealing of life's purpose. This Sunday we take another look at the story which may appropriately be called the Great Parable of Genesis. It starts with Joseph, a youth, who receives a very personal and Godly message in the form of dreams which forever shape his life and the life of those around him. When we read about this young person and his extraordinary experiences, bad and good, the Lord is doing amazing things: He shapes our inner thoughts and reveals our heart's desires. | By Rev. Louis D. Synnestvedt | Westville, RSANew Church Culture
Doctrinal Class - February 01, 2017
New Church Culture: Where has it been and where is it going? A two class series. A lot of the discussion did not record well and is not included. | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn Cathedral Social HallAbsolutely Everything is the Lord's
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 29, 2017
'Secrets of Heaven' 123 states that "Absolutely everything is the Lord's." This message explores the life-changing reality of truly believing this. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZThis Do In Remembrance Of ME
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - January 29, 2017
Family Service - Talk Title - This Do In Remembrance Of ME 1st Lesson: Luke 22: 7-8, 13-14, 19-20 2nd Lesson: True Christian Religion 700 (portion) 3rd Lesson: Invitation To The New Church 59 | By Rev. Brett D. Buick | Kempton, PAHearing The Lord Speak Through His Word
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 29, 2017
| By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | West Concord, MAWhat Would Love Do?, Part 3 - Love Welcomes
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 29, 2017
The Lord teaches us that when we take in or gather the sojourner we gather Him. We can do this physically and spiritually. We gather people spiritually by teaching them the life of the church. And of course the Lord is the one who wants to gather all to Him in love while He Lord sojourned in this world. And we too are sojourners here. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Sarver, PADining with Joseph
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 29, 2017
Joseph, the son of Jacob, had amazing dreams in his youth, like the one where the sun, the moon and the eleven stars would bow down to him. Clearly his dreams were signs of a future greatness. But the envy of his brothers led to Joseph being sold into slavery in Egypt. In time, a great famine covered the earth. Joseph, recognised for his wisdom, rose to power. In a curious turn of events, the brothers of Joseph, who simply traveled to Egypt to buy grain, found themselves guests at the royal palace. They dine - unbeknownst to them - with Joseph! Yes, if you think about it, this relates to how, in Providence, we come to dine with the Lord, who is the Heavenly Joseph. | By Rev. Louis D. Synnestvedt | Westville, RSA