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Christmas Gifts
Doctrinal Class - December 11, 2013
"And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His Mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh." Matthew 2:11 | By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn Cathedral Social HallBeing Prepared for the Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - December 08, 2013
| By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZGod With Us
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 08, 2013
One of the reasons that Christmas is such a special holiday is that it reminds us of who Jesus is and what he came to accomplish. This week we will talk about the miracle of God being born. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Westville, RSALove Conquers Tedium
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - December 08, 2013
Love Conquers Tedium: Family Service: Part One Title: When Tedium Takes Over- Part Two Title: Love Is Outside Time 1st Lesson: Daniel 3: 1-23 (parts) 2nd Lesson: Daniel 3: 24-30, Arcana Coelestia 3827 (portion) | By Rev. Pearse M. Frazier | Kempton, PAFollowing A Star
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 08, 2013
12/08/2013 - Worship Service | By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | West Concord, MAWilling to be Led
Worship Service: Sermon only - December 08, 2013
Mary's response to the angel Gabriel calls us to consider our own responsiveness to the Lord's leading. Closing prayer by Rev EH Carswell. | By Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Jr. | Bryn Athyn CathedralOut of Egypt I Called My Son
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 08, 2013
4 lessons, children's talk & sermon | By Rev. Kenneth J. Alden | Boynton Beach, FLWhy Is There So Much Music At Christmas Time?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 08, 2013
| By Rev. David C. Roth | Boulder, COTalking it over
Worship Service: Children & Adult - December 08, 2013
| By Rev. Ryan Sandstrom | Ivyland New Church, PAA Hole Inside to be Filled
Worship Service: Sermon only - December 01, 2013
| By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZJesus' Dodgy Family History
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 01, 2013
This Sunday we're going to be looking at the genealogy - the long list of names - at the beginning of the gospel of Matthew. Before you decide that you've definitely got something more important to do on Sunday evening, let me explain why I chose this. I've wanted to preach about the genealogy for some time precisely because it seems boring at first. Why is it there? Why does the whole New Testament start this way? What I found is that, if you look at the list of names more closely, you see that there are actually some quite juicy details contained in it and some important information about what family Jesus was born into. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAAll Are Redeemed, So Anyone Can Be Saved
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 01, 2013
All Are Redeemed, So Anyone Can Be Saved: Children's Talk Title: The Wheat and The Chaff 1st Lesson: Matthew 3: 1-12 2nd Lesson: True Christian Religion 115.2, 580.3, 581 | By Rev. Pearse M. Frazier | Kempton, PABalaam and the Angel
Worship Service: Sermon only - December 01, 2013
The story of the wicked prophet Balaam and his encounter with the Angel of the Lord. The angel's words to him can be seen as an important key to the way that we approach religious questions in our life. | By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn CathedralCan Donkeys Talk?
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - December 01, 2013
Numbers 22 is the story of the prophet Balaam and his donkey. Our topic is the reason why the donkey spoke and what she said to Balaam. | By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Redeeming Angel
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 01, 2013
3 lessons, children's talk & sermon | By Rev. Kenneth J. Alden | Boynton Beach, FLHope: Is It Naive Or Wise To Have It?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 01, 2013
| By Rev. David C. Roth | Boulder, COThankful That I'm Allowed to Make Mistakes
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 28, 2013
A Thanksgiving message. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZThankful For The Sabbath
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - November 28, 2013
Thanksgiving Family Service: Thankful For The Sabbath 1st Lesson: Deuteronomy 24: 17-22 2nd Lesson: Mark 2: 23-28 3rd Lesson: True Christian Religion 301-304 (Selections) | By Rev. Pearse M. Frazier | Kempton, PAA Precious Gift To Be Thankful For (Knowledge of the Afterlife)
Worship Service: Children & Adult - November 28, 2013
2 lessons & family address | By Rev. Daniel W. Heinrichs | Boynton Beach, FLHow is Your Life Going?
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - November 28, 2013
Thus says the Lord of hosts: "Consider your ways! You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; And he who earns wages, earns wages to put in a bag with holes." (Haggai 1:5-6) Lessons & Talk only. | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn Field HouseThanksgiving - family service
Worship Service: Children & Adult - November 28, 2013
| By Rev. Ryan Sandstrom | Ivyland New Church, PATime to Rest
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 24, 2013
"Seven Practices of Peace" - Day 7 | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZLiving Intentionally
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 24, 2013
We can often feel dragged down or bouncing from one activity to another in life. But when we live life intentionally we regain our sense of control. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Westville, RSA