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Externalize the Lies
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 14, 2013
Then He asked him, "What is your name?" And he answered, saying, "My name is Legion: for we are many." (Mark 5:9) Watch a video of this service at | By Rev. Solomon J. Keal | Bryn Athyn CathedralFishers of Men
Worship Service: Children & Adult - July 14, 2013
3 lessons & family address | By Rev. Kenneth J. Alden | Boynton Beach, FLLegion and the Pigs
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - July 14, 2013
Getting rid of negative thoughts. | By Rev. Solomon J. Keal | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Recurring Theme of Hope
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 14, 2013
| By Rev. Glenn (Mac) Frazier | Austin, TXRemember the Sabbath
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - July 14, 2013
The Sabbath day has been set aside both as a day for rest and as a day for worship. That is because true rest and true worship are intimately bound together. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Dawson CreekTrue Freedom
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - July 07, 2013
True Freedom: Children's Talk Title: Who is the Ruler? 1st Lesson: Daniel 4: 10-17, 29-33, 37 2nd Lesson: John 8: 30-47 3rd Lesson: Divine Providence 43 | By Rev. Lawson M. Smith | Kempton, PAThe Blessings of Rain and Sunshine
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 07, 2013
As we experience the sunshine and rain of our summer days may we reflect on the spiritual qualities these things represent. May we be reminded of the wonderful gifts of love and wisdom that the Lord seeks to bring to our lives. May we turn our hearts, minds, and lives to Him. Day by day may we learn how to better bring an eternal fruitfulness to everything we care about, think, say and do. Closing prayer by Rev. E.J. Buss. | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn CathedralWhen the Bible Reveals Its Own Metaphors - Part 2
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 07, 2013
| By Rev. Glenn (Mac) Frazier | Austin, TXUnderstanding Marriage 2 - Getting Married and Staying Married
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 07, 2013
Why get married? Why stay married? A lot of people are asking these questions and don't have good answers to them. Last Sunday we talked about what's most important in the first stages of getting married, in dating, proposing, and getting betrothed (if you don't know what betrothal is then read or listen to last week's sermon). This week we're talking about what's most important in the wedding service and being married. If we understand that then maybe we'll be able to answer those questions. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSARepentance
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 07, 2013
3 lessons, reflections & sermon | By Rev. Daniel W. Heinrichs | Boynton Beach, FLDaniel in the Lion's Den
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - July 07, 2013
The Lord said, "Do not resist evil" (Matthew 5:39). It's a startling statement, but its spiritual meaning can be seen in the example of Daniel in the lion's den. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Dawson CreekOne Nation Under God
Independence Day Flag Pole ceremony. Introductions by Brian Cooper. | By Peter Boericke | Bryn Athyn, PADo I Really Have the Power?
Worship Service: Sermon only - June 30, 2013
| By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZUnderstanding Marriage 1 - Dating, Proposing, Betrothal
Worship Service: Sermon only - June 30, 2013
Have you been to a wedding recently? Have you thought about why we have weddings or marriages for that matter? Are they important or are they just legal paperwork? You can probably guess what the answer is but can you explain why? | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSALove of God and Country
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - June 30, 2013
3 lessons, children's talk & sermon | By Rev. Kenneth J. Alden | Boynton Beach, FLWash and Be Clean
Worship Service: Sermon only - June 30, 2013
Naaman did not want to accept the obvious solution to his problem, but the Lord helped him find his way. | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn CathedralHappiness, Part 2: Why It Helps To Admit Our Mistakes?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - June 30, 2013
| By Rev. David C. Roth | Boulder, COListen For The Trees
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - June 30, 2013
Listen For The Trees 1st Lesson: II Samuel 5: 17-25 2nd Lesson: The New Jerusalem And Its Heavenly Doctrine 191, 195 (portions) | By Rev. Pearse M. Frazier | Kempton, PAThe Least of These My Brothers
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - June 30, 2013
In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, the Lord described in symbolic language all of the things that are necessary for living a life of true charity, which is the true heavenly life. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Dawson CreekThe New Jerusalem - Why Jerusalem
Worship Service: Sermon only - June 26, 2013
This Sunday we are celebrating New Church Day by talking about the Holy City New Jerusalem, as we often do. This time we are focusing on why it's the New Jerusalem. Why not New Bethlehem or New Durban? | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAPriscilla Alden Greer Memorial Service
Memorial Service - June 26, 2013
| By Rev. Scott I. Frazier | Bryn Athyn CathedralBehold, I Make All Things New
Worship Service: Sermon only - June 23, 2013
A New Church Day message | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZI Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Worship Service: Sermon only - June 23, 2013
The Lord's outline of salvation for all. | By Rev. James H. Barry | Bryn Athyn Cathedral