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Being The Church In Challenging Times
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - March 03, 2019
Sunday School Service - Children's Talk Title - We Can Be Like The Centurion - 1st Lesson: Matthew 8: 5-13 2nd Lesson: Genesis 9: 18-27 3rd Lesson: Arcana Coelestia 788: 1-2, 1032: 2-3 | By Rev. Lawson M. Smith | Kempton, PAMagical Life
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 24, 2019
How do we think about the workings of Providence in the world and in our lives? Is life full of patterns and underlying "magic?" We compare our modern world views with what we're told about the ancient church and how they understood the world around them. - BDS | By Rev. Brian D. Smith | Mitchellville, MDClose Enough to Catch
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 10, 2019
It is often said that the Lord will never give us more than we can handle. And yet, sometimes we still feel totally overwhelmed, just like Peter, who tried to walk on water, but found himself sinking. - JB | By Rev. Jared J. Buss | Mitchellville, MDCharity in War
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 11, 2018
Judges 4 Psalm 23 Charity 166 Divine Providence 251 | By Rev. Pearse M. Frazier | Atlanta-Morningstar Chapel (Alpharetta GA)The LORD'S Protection
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - October 14, 2018
Family Service - Talk Title - The LORD'S Protection 1st Lesson: I Samuel 19: 8-24 2nd Lesson: Arcana Coelestia 6574: 2-3 | By Rev. Lawson M. Smith | Kempton, PAA Matter of Life and Death
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 07, 2018
Following a series of doctrinal sermons, this Sunday we get down to the basics of what really matters – and it’s not just family! ~ MDG | By Rev. Michael D. Gladish | Mitchellville, MDFearfully and Wonderfully Made
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 16, 2018
We are described as “wonderfully made” in Psalm 139 but then again, in Isaiah we are called a ‘wicked nation,’ ‘laden with iniquity,’ in which we find nothing sound from head to foot. (Isa. 1). How do we reconcile these descriptions? How do we hold the necessity of repentance in our own daily living? | By Rev. Brian D. Smith | Mitchellville, MDNoah, The Remnant
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 26, 2018
The story of Noah teaches us about the state of humanity and how the Lord protects humanity. Humanity as a species has desires passed down that lead away from the Lord and Love; these are called hereditary evil. But the provides that there are people who will follow him, and in particular he provides times and experiences of goodness and truth that sustain us through our own floods. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Sarver, PAEvils Must Appear In Order to Be Removed
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 12, 2018
Sermon for a summer Divine Providence Reading Program | By Rev. Michael K. Cowley | Toronto, ONBeing Kept from Relapsing
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 05, 2018
Sermon for a summer Divine Providence Reading Program | By Rev. Michael K. Cowley | Toronto, ONThe Lord's Leading and Teaching
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 30, 2018
Sermon for a summer Divine Providence Reading Program | By Rev. Michael K. Cowley | Toronto, ONChaos and the Leading of Providence
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - July 29, 2018
“Before anything is reduced to order it is very common for everything to be reduced first of all to a state of confusion resembling chaos so that things that are not compatible may be separated from one another. And once these have been separated the Lord arranges them into order” (AC 842:3). | By Rev. Michael D. Gladish | Mitchellville, MDFirst and Second Laws of Divine Providence
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 22, 2018
Sermon for a summer Divine Providence Reading Program | By Rev. Michael K. Cowley | Toronto, ONCreating Positive Experiences
Worship Service: Informal Family - July 08, 2018
Pharaoh had a dream in which he saw seven healthy cows, and seven starving cows, and seven healthy heads of grain, and seven unhealthy heads of grain (Genesis 41). Joseph interpreted the dream for Pharaoh, and gave him some good advice. What does this story teach us about the role we can play in the stream of the Lord’s providence? | By Rev. Solomon J. Keal | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallProvidence In War
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - July 01, 2018
Sunday School Service - Children's Talk Title - The LORD Protects Our Country If We Are Good 1st Lesson: 2 Kings 19: 25-35 2nd Lesson: 2 Kings 18: 17, 19-30, 34-36 3rd Lesson: Divine Providence 251: 1, 3, 4 | By Rev. Lawson M. Smith | Kempton, PAAnxiety about the Future
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - April 22, 2018
"Anxiety about the Future:" - about how we must trust in the Lord guiding us, especially when we have worries about the present and the future. | By Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith | Mitchellville, MDLooking for Signs
Worship Service: Informal Family - February 04, 2018
Signs are helpful in navigating through life. And there are lots of different kinds of signs. In autumn, the leaves turning gold is a sign of coming winter. A street sign can warn us of an unexpected turn in the road ahead. What are the signs of Faith? What are the signs that the Lord is helping us? And what are the signs that we are doing what the Lord asks of us? The Word is full of stories about different signs. We will look at the story of Gideon, who asked the Lord for signs (using a fleece and the dew) that He will save Israel from their enemies. The gist of it is that this is also a sign to us that our love and wisdom can grow within us in amazing ways! It is a practical reminder that the Lord is working within us to open our eyes and help us become more loving people (complete with the insights on how to do so). We will talk about the signs that the Lord can be present in each of our lives. | By Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallBehold I Am Coming Quickly: Patience & Persistence
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 15, 2017
When the Lord says He will come or do something "quickly" He means that He will come or do something certainly. How does knowing this help us develop two important spiritual disciplines: Patience & Persistence. | By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | West Concord, MAA Residue In The Land
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 08, 2017
What exactly are "remains?" "Remains" are all the states of good and truth that the Lord implants within us during the course of our entire life. We have the choice to either cover these remains over, or allow the Lord to draw them forth. | By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | West Concord, MAA Heaven From The Human Race
Worship Service: Sermon only - September 24, 2017
The Divine Providence has as its end a heaven from the human race. This sermon looks at the fact that heaven is conjunction with the Lord. Why is heaven defined in this way? How do we achieve this conjunction with the Lord? | By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | West Concord, MADining with Joseph
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 29, 2017
Joseph, the son of Jacob, had amazing dreams in his youth, like the one where the sun, the moon and the eleven stars would bow down to him. Clearly his dreams were signs of a future greatness. But the envy of his brothers led to Joseph being sold into slavery in Egypt. In time, a great famine covered the earth. Joseph, recognised for his wisdom, rose to power. In a curious turn of events, the brothers of Joseph, who simply traveled to Egypt to buy grain, found themselves guests at the royal palace. They dine - unbeknownst to them - with Joseph! Yes, if you think about it, this relates to how, in Providence, we come to dine with the Lord, who is the Heavenly Joseph. | By Rev. Louis D. Synnestvedt | Westville, RSAHuman Responsibility and Trust In the Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 08, 2017
"None of these things could be done except from the appearance to man that he thinks from himself and directs all things from himself." (Divine Providence 210) | By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn CathedralSeeing the Big Picture
Worship Service: Informal Family - November 13, 2016
"Joseph said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good.'" (Genesis 50:19-21) | By Rev. Elmo K. Acton | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallI Never Deserted You
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 16, 2016
Why can't we just choose to love what's good and attain it without having to battle for it? The internal sense of the story of the older son in the Prodigal Son story gives the answer, and gives us serious encouragement. | By Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Sr. | Westville, RSAThe LORD'S Providence Is Really Good
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 02, 2016
Sunday School Service - Children's Talk Title - The Spies' Rebellion, Not Trusting The LORD 1st Lesson: Deuteronomy 1: 24-33 2nd Lesson: Mark 10: 17-22; Luke 12: 22-28 3rd Lesson: True Christian Religion 2 (part); Arcana Coelestia 2982.2 (parts) | By Rev. Nathan Cole | Kempton, PA