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His Name
Worship Service: Chapel Talk - October 12, 2010
| By Rev. Mauro S. de Padua | Bryn Athyn Benade HallResurrection Service for Kenneth McQueen
Memorial Service - October 12, 2010
Clay McQueen-Master of Ceremony for the Memorial Reception | By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn CathedralGiving Thanks
Worship Service: Chapel Talk - October 11, 2010
| By Rev. Barry C. Halterman | Bryn Athyn Benade HallWhat's New About the New Church? Part 1: The Unseen World
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 10, 2010
The first part in a series on what is new about the New Church looks at the historical perspective, who was Swedenborg and the role that he played in the foundation of the doctrines of the church. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Westville, RSAThe Deceiving Path of Reverence
Worship Service: Children & Adult - October 10, 2010
The relevance of idolatry in our lives: who do we worship?. (Jer. 10:1-5; Mark 11:20-24; AC 1363) Idolatrous worships are internal and external; the internal are those which condemn man; the external not so much. The more interior the idolatrous worship is, the more it condemns; but the more exterior, the less. Internal idolaters do not acknowledge God, but adore themselves and the world, and make idols of all their cupidities; whereas external idolaters are able to acknowledge God, although they do not know who is the God of the universe. Internal idolaters are known from the life they have acquired; and in proportion as this life departs from the life of charity, in the same proportion are they more interior idolaters. External idolaters are known solely from their worship; and, although idolaters, they can still have the life of charity. Internal idolaters can profane holy things, but external idolaters cannot; and therefore external idolatry is tolerated, in order to prevent the profanation of holy things. (Heavenly Secrets #1363) | By Rev. Ryan Sandstrom | Ivyland New Church, PAThe Man with the Withered Hand
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 10, 2010
| By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | West Concord, MAWhy Did God Create Me?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 10, 2010
Week 2 of 7 The spiritual growth series, "Pause: Make Space for God" brings some breathing room back into our day, giving us a chance to consciously renew and strengthen our relationship with God. This program asks us to designate a portion of time every day to explore the Bible and listen for God's messages, to ask meaningful questions and to experience the presence of the Lord in a new and powerful way. Each week explores Biblical answers to a new topic: Week 1-How Does God Speak to Me? Week 2-Why Did God Create Me? Week 3-Who is Jesus and How Does He Relate to My Life? Week 4-How Does the Lord Work in My Life? Week 5- What Does the Lord Want from Me? Week 6-How Do I Follow the Lord? Week 7-How Does the Lord Want Me to Serve Others? Week 2 Focus: Why Did God Create Me? Featured Story: Vine and Branches (John 15) Most of us have wondered at some point, "Why am I here, and what is the purpose of the universe?" Many people believe that "God is love." What does this imply about why He created us? What does the Bible say about this question? What is God's plan for our lives? | By Rev. David C. Roth | Boulder, COI Am The Vine
Worship Service: Adult (full service with music) - October 10, 2010
Week 2 of 7 (Rev. Erik Buss is also on the chancel.) The spiritual growth series, "Pause: Make Space for God" brings some breathing room back into our day, giving us a chance to consciously renew and strengthen our relationship with God. This program asks us to designate a portion of time every day to explore the Bible and listen for God's messages, to ask meaningful questions and to experience the presence of the Lord in a new and powerful way. Each week explores Biblical answers to a new topic: Week 1-How Does God Speak to Me? Week 2-Why Did God Create Me? Week 3-Who is Jesus and How Does He Relate to My Life? Week 4-How Does the Lord Work in My Life? Week 5- What Does the Lord Want from Me? Week 6-How Do I Follow the Lord? Week 7-How Does the Lord Want Me to Serve Others? Focus for Week 2: Why Did God Create Me? Featured Story: Vine and Branches (John 15) Most of us have wondered at some point, "Why am I here, and what is the purpose of the universe?" Many people believe that "God is love." What does this imply about why He created us? What does the Bible say about this question? What is God's plan for our lives? | By Rev. James H. Barry | Bryn Athyn CathedralI Am The Vine
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - October 10, 2010
Week 2 of 7 The spiritual growth series, "Pause: Make Space for God" brings some breathing room back into our day, giving us a chance to consciously renew and strengthen our relationship with God. This program asks us to designate a portion of time every day to explore the Bible and listen for God's messages, to ask meaningful questions and to experience the presence of the Lord in a new and powerful way. Each week explores Biblical answers to a new topic: Week 1-How Does God Speak to Me? Week 2-Why Did God Create Me? Week 3-Who is Jesus and How Does He Relate to My Life? Week 4-How Does the Lord Work in My Life? Week 5- What Does the Lord Want from Me? Week 6-How Do I Follow the Lord? Week 7-How Does the Lord Want Me to Serve Others? Focus of Week 2: Why Did God Create Me? Featured Story: Vine and Branches (John 15) Most of us have wondered at some point, "Why am I here, and what is the purpose of the universe?" Many people believe that "God is love." What does this imply about why He created us? What does the Bible say about this question? What is God's plan for our lives? | By Rev. James H. Barry | Bryn Athyn CathedralCreated New Every Day
Worship Service: Informal Family - October 10, 2010
Week 2 of 7 The spiritual growth series, "Pause: Make Space for God" brings some breathing room back into our day, giving us a chance to consciously renew and strengthen our relationship with God. This program asks us to designate a portion of time every day to explore the Bible and listen for God's messages, to ask meaningful questions and to experience the presence of the Lord in a new and powerful way. Each week explores Biblical answers to a new topic: Week 1-How Does God Speak to Me? Week 2-Why Did God Create Me? Week 3-Who is Jesus and How Does He Relate to My Life? Week 4-How Does the Lord Work in My Life? Week 5- What Does the Lord Want from Me? Week 6-How Do I Follow the Lord? Week 7-How Does the Lord Want Me to Serve Others? Focus of Week 2: Why Did God Create Me? Featured Story: Vine and Branches (John 15) Most of us have wondered at some point, "Why am I here, and what is the purpose of the universe?" Many people believe that "God is love." What does this imply about why He created us? What does the Bible say about this question? What is God's plan for our lives? | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallCompassion and Foregiveness: Don't Carry the Weight Around
Worship Service: Chapel Talk - October 08, 2010
| By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn Benade HallThe Joy of Creation
Doctrinal Class - October 08, 2010
| By Rev. John L. Odhner | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallYou Are Not Supposed to Count: Forgive Forever
Worship Service: Chapel Talk - October 07, 2010
| By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn Benade HallCease to Do Evil, Learn to Do Good
Worship Service: Chapel Talk - October 05, 2010
| By Rev. Mauro S. de Padua | Bryn Athyn Benade HallThe Kingdom of God is Within You
Worship Service: Chapel Talk - October 04, 2010
| By Rev. Barry C. Halterman | Bryn Athyn Benade HallStay Awake, and Pray
Worship Service: Children & Adult - October 03, 2010
The Lord warns us about falling asleep spiritually (Matt. 26: 41; Arcana Coelestia 5210; Apocalypse Revealed 158) And He came to the disciples, and found them asleep, and said to Peter, What, could you not watch with Me one hour? Watch [or stay awake] and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:40, 41) "And he fell asleep" means a state of obscurity. This is clear from the meaning of "sleeping" as a state of obscurity. 'Sleep' has no other meaning than this in the spiritual sense, even as "wakefulness" means nothing else than a state of brightness; for spiritual sleep is a time when truths remain in obscurity, spiritual wakefulness when truths exist in brightness. And to the extent that truths are in the one state or else the other, spirits are awake or asleep. From this it is evident that 'falling asleep' is a state of obscurity. (Heavenly Secrets #5210) | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PAFinding Balance in Life
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 03, 2010
10/03/2010 Sermon & Readings | By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | West Concord, MAHow Does God Speak To Me?
Worship Service: Adult (full service with music) - October 03, 2010
Week 1 of 7 (Rev. Erik Buss is also on the Chancel) The spiritual growth series, "Pause: Make Space for God" brings some breathing room back into our day, giving us a chance to consciously renew and strengthen our relationship with God. This program asks us to designate a portion of time every day to explore the Bible and listen for God's messages, to ask meaningful questions and to experience the presence of the Lord in a new and powerful way. Each week explores Biblical answers to a new topic: Week 1-How Does God Speak to Me? Week 2-Why Did God Create Me? Week 3-Who is Jesus and How Does He Relate to My Life? Week 4-How Does the Lord Work in My Life? Week 5- What Does the Lord Want from Me? Week 6-How Do I Follow the Lord? Week 7-How Does the Lord Want Me to Serve Others? Focus for Week 1: How Does God Speak to Me? Featured Story: Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13) If God created us, it makes sense that He would want to communicate with us. The Bible claims to be God's Word, but sometimes it is hard to understand. Because God is infinite, His Word contains more beneath than the literal meaning of Scripture. Using the tools provided, we can look deeper into God's Word to find the answers to some big questions. | By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline | Bryn Athyn CathedralHow Does God Speak To Me?
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - October 03, 2010
Week 1 of 7 The spiritual growth series, "Pause: Make Space for God" brings some breathing room back into our day, giving us a chance to consciously renew and strengthen our relationship with God. This program asks us to designate a portion of time every day to explore the Bible and listen for God's messages, to ask meaningful questions and to experience the presence of the Lord in a new and powerful way. Each week explores Biblical answers to a new topic: Week 1-How Does God Speak to Me? Week 2-Why Did God Create Me? Week 3-Who is Jesus and How Does He Relate to My Life? Week 4-How Does the Lord Work in My Life? Week 5- What Does the Lord Want from Me? Week 6-How Do I Follow the Lord? Week 7-How Does the Lord Want Me to Serve Others? Focus of Week 1: How Does God Speak to Me? Featured Story: Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13) If God created us, it makes sense that He would want to communicate with us. The Bible claims to be God's Word, but sometimes it is hard to understand. Because God is infinite, His Word contains more beneath than the literal meaning of Scripture. Using the tools provided, we can look deeper into God's Word to find the answers to some big questions. | By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline | Bryn Athyn CathedralHow Does God Speak To Me?
Worship Service: Informal Family - October 03, 2010
Week 1 of 7 The spiritual growth series, "Pause: Make Space for God" brings some breathing room back into our day, giving us a chance to consciously renew and strengthen our relationship with God. This program asks us to designate a portion of time every day to explore the Bible and listen for God's messages, to ask meaningful questions and to experience the presence of the Lord in a new and powerful way. Each week explores Biblical answers to a new topic: Week 1-How Does God Speak to Me? Week 2-Why Did God Create Me? Week 3-Who is Jesus and How Does He Relate to My Life? Week 4-How Does the Lord Work in My Life? Week 5- What Does the Lord Want from Me? Week 6-How Do I Follow the Lord? Week 7-How Does the Lord Want Me to Serve Others? Focus of Week 1: How Does God Speak to Me? Featured Story: Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13) If God created us, it makes sense that He would want to communicate with us. The Bible claims to be God's Word, but sometimes it is hard to understand. Because God is infinite, His Word contains more beneath than the literal meaning of Scripture. Using the tools provided, we can look deeper into God's Word to find the answers to some big questions. | By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallHow Does God Speak To Me?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 03, 2010
Week 1 of 7 The spiritual growth series, "Pause: Make Space for God" brings some breathing room back into our day, giving us a chance to consciously renew and strengthen our relationship with God. This program asks us to designate a portion of time every day to explore the Bible and listen for God's messages, to ask meaningful questions and to experience the presence of the Lord in a new and powerful way. Each week explores Biblical answers to a new topic: Week 1-How Does God Speak to Me? Week 2-Why Did God Create Me? Week 3-Who is Jesus and How Does He Relate to My Life? Week 4-How Does the Lord Work in My Life? Week 5- What Does the Lord Want from Me? Week 6-How Do I Follow the Lord? Week 7-How Does the Lord Want Me to Serve Others? Week 1 Focus: How Does God Speak to Me? Featured Story: Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13) If God created us, it makes sense that He would want to communicate with us. The Bible claims to be God's Word, but sometimes it is hard to understand. Because God is infinite, His Word contains more beneath than the literal meaning of Scripture. Using the tools provided, we can look deeper into God's Word to find the answers to some big questions. | By Rev. David C. Roth | Boulder, COCurtis Owen Resurrection Service
Memorial Service - October 02, 2010
| By Rev. John L. Odhner | Bryn Athyn Cathedral