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Harvest Time Moments
Worship Service: Chapel Talk - September 01, 2010
| By Rev. Eric H. Carswell | Bryn Athyn Benade HallAre There Spiritual Dangers For Religious People?
Doctrinal Class - September 01, 2010
Handout: Accompanying bulletin available. | By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageAll Things New: A New Church
Worship Service: Chapel Talk - August 30, 2010
| By Rev. Mauro S. de Padua | Bryn Athyn Benade HallBeing a Peacemaker in a Troubled World
Worship Service: Adult (full service with music) - August 29, 2010
Rev. Erik Buss also on the Chancel. | By Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth | Bryn Athyn CathedralBeing A Peacemaker
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - August 29, 2010
| By Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth | Bryn Athyn CathedralWhen Life Doesn't Feel Fair
Worship Service: Informal Family - August 29, 2010
| By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallWhat We See: What God Sees
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 29, 2010
| By Rev. David C. Roth | Boulder, COBeing Born Again
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 29, 2010
| By Rev. Frank S. Rose | Tucson, AZThe New Church in Kenya
Slide presentation - August 25, 2010
Presented as a slide show, however the speaker's descriptions are inspiring enough to create mental pictures. | By Rev. James H. Barry | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageThe Hated but Good Person
Worship Service: Children & Adult - August 22, 2010
Our idea of love can be so subjective... is that always good? (Luke 10:29-37; Matthew 22:39; Arcana Coelestia 351, 9780) "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39) Charity means love to the neighbor and compassion, for anyone who loves his neighbor as himself also has as much compassion for him in his suffering as he does for himself in his own. (Heavenly Secrets #351) The Samaritan..."came to the man who was wounded by thieves, and bound up his wounds and poured in oil and wine" (Luke 10:33, 34). Here are not meant oil and wine, but the good of love and of charity, by "oil" the good of love, and by "wine" the good of charity and of faith; for the subject treated of, is the neighbor, thus charity toward him. (Heavenly Secrets #9780) | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PAAre Your Senses Serving You Well?
Worship Service: Adult (full service with music) - August 22, 2010
| By Rev. Philip B. Schnarr | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Purpose of Pleasure
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - August 22, 2010
| By Rev. Philip B. Schnarr | Bryn Athyn CathedralTurning Fear To Love
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 22, 2010
| By Rev. David C. Roth | Boulder, COLost and Found
Worship Service: Informal Family - August 22, 2010
| By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallOur Communication with Spirits and Angels
Doctrinal Class - August 18, 2010
| By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageResurrection Service for Barr Asplundh
Memorial Service - August 17, 2010
| By Rev. Dr Raymond J. Silverman | Bryn Athyn CathedralHealing the Leper
Worship Service: Children & Adult - August 15, 2010
Dealing with people in disorder And He laid His right hand upon me, signifies life from Him. This is evident from the signification of "right hand," as being, in reference to the Lord, life from Him... "to touch with the hand" signifies to communicate and transfer to another what pertains to oneself, and also to receive from another. To communicate and transfer to another what pertains to oneself, in reference to the Lord, as here, is to communicate and transfer life such as those have who are in a state of illumination and who see and hear such things as are in heaven.' "To touch with the hand" is to communicate and transfer to another, because the whole power of man is transferred from the body into the hands; consequently what the mind wills that the body should do, that the arms and hands do. (Apocalypse Explained #79) | By Rev. Dr Andrew M. Dibb | Ivyland New Church, PAThe Challenged Life
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - August 15, 2010
| By Rev. John L. Odhner | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Challenged Life
Worship Service: Adult (full service with music) - August 15, 2010
| By Rev. John L. Odhner | Bryn Athyn CathedralHow Do I Know If I Am Succeeding Spiritually?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 15, 2010
| By Rev. David C. Roth | Boulder, CODuties of the Priesthood
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 15, 2010
| By Rev. Scott I. Frazier | Kempton, PALucifer, Son of the Dawn
Worship Service: Adult (full service with music) - August 08, 2010
| By Rev. Stephen D. Cole | Bryn Athyn CathedralBringing Good Out of Evil
Worship Service: Children & Adult - August 08, 2010
The Lord allows the hells in the next life to lead the good into temptation, consequently to introduce falsities and evils. But at that time the Lord Himself is present directly - and by means of angels indirectly - with those undergoing temptation and is offering resistance by refuting the falsities of the spirits from hell and dispersing their evil. From this come renewal, hope, and victory. In this way the truths of faith and forms of the good of charity present with those who are governed by the truths of good are implanted more deeply and strengthened more firmly. The spirits who bring about temptations intend nothing but evil. But the Divine turns that evil into good, in accord with order existing from eternity; and life is thereby imparted to those governed by the truths of good. For it should be recognized that the spirits from hell who are allowed to attack the good in that way intend nothing but evil. They wish with all their might to drag them down from heaven and cast them into hell; for to destroy anyone's soul, thus to destroy him forever, is the sheer delight of their life. But they are not allowed by the Lord to do anything at all except for the sake of the end that good may come out of it, that is to say, so that truth and good may be made firmer and stronger with those who undergo temptation. In the entire spiritual world there reigns the end in view, emanating from the Lord, that nothing whatever should take place, not even the smallest thing, except in order that good may come out of it. This is why the Lord's kingdom is called a kingdom of ends and useful purposes. (Heavenly Secrets #6574) | By Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith | Ivyland New Church, PA