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Samson: Spiritual Strength
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 08, 2010
| By Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Sr. | Boulder, COMemorial Service for Jason Schnarr
Memorial Service - August 05, 2010
An outdoor service held on East Lawn. | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Bryn Athyn CathedralWhere There's A Will
Doctrinal Class - August 04, 2010
Handout: References available | By Rev. Philip B. Schnarr | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageThe Lord is God of the Hills and Valleys
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 01, 2010
| By Rev. Kenneth J. Alden | Boynton Beach, FLThe Great Covenant
Worship Service: Children & Adult - August 01, 2010
The vital importance of the Ten Commandments in life (Exodus 20, 33:11; Matthew 19: 16-19; TCR 283, 456) The Ten Commandments are the most important thing in the Word. As a result, they were the most important thing in the church that was established in the Israelite nation. In a brief encapsulation they included all the elements of religion that provide for God's connection to us and our connection to God. Therefore the Ten Commandments were the holiest thing of all. (TCR #283) People generally know that the law proclaimed on Mount Sinai was written on two tablets, one of which was about God and the other about humankind. People also know that in Moses' hand the two were a single tablet: the right-hand side contained writing concerning God, and the left-hand side contained writing concerning humankind, because if it was set before people's eyes in this way, the writing on both sides would be seen at once. Therefore the sides faced one another like Jehovah talking with Moses and Moses with Jehovah, face to face, as we read [Exodus 33:11; Deuteronomy 34:10]. The tablets were made in this way so that together they would represent God's connection to people and people's reciprocal connection to God. For this reason the law written there was called "the Covenant" and "the Testimony." The term "covenant" refers to the partnership and "testimony" refers to the life that follows the points agreed upon. The union of the two tablets shows the connection between loving God and loving our neighbor. (TCR #456) | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PAWhy Did Adam Name the Animals?
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - August 01, 2010
| By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn CathedralThis Is Our God
Worship Service: Informal Family - August 01, 2010
| By Rev. John L. Odhner | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallYou Can Change
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - August 01, 2010
| By Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Sr. | Boulder, COSoothed by David's Harp
Worship Service: Adult (full service with music) - August 01, 2010
| By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn CathedralForgiveness In Marriage
Doctrinal Class - July 31, 2010
| By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | Jacob's CreekShould We Be Tithing ?
Panel Discussion - July 31, 2010
| By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger; Rev. Nathan Cole | Jacob's CreekThe Connection Between Forgiveness and Repentance
Doctrinal Class - July 30, 2010
| By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Jacob's CreekParts 1 & 2-Divine Human: The Visible God
Doctrinal Class - July 28, 2010
A two-part class series. | By Rev. N. Bruce Rogers | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageEating the Fruit
Worship Service: Adult (full service with music) - July 25, 2010
Rev. Erik Buss also on the chancel. | By Rev. Dr Andrew M. Dibb | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Sun of Heaven
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - July 25, 2010
| By Rev. Dr Andrew M. Dibb | Bryn Athyn CathedralWhat's at the Center?
Worship Service: Informal Family - July 25, 2010
| By Rev. Erik J. Buss | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallBe Still & Go Forward
Worship Service: Children & Adult - July 25, 2010
What to do at the edge of the sea, spiritually (Exodus 14:13-15; Joshua 1:9; Arcana Coelestia 8184, 10416) The meaning of 'dividing that sea' is dispersing the falsities arising from evil that are present in hell; for the falsities there are seen as waters. When the pillar of angels in which the Lord is present passes through that hell the falsities depart, and as a consequence the waters there, which are the falsities, are parted asunder. From this it is evident that 'dividing the sea' means dispersing the falsities belonging to the hell that is represented by 'the Sea Suph' (the Red Sea). (Heavenly Secrets #8184) The desire to celebrate resides inwardly in a person's feeling of freedom, and all feeling of freedom comes as a result of love, when nothing exists to frustrate it. Since outward things are used in the Word to describe inward ones, times of play and dancing are used to describe those of joy and gladness present in a person inwardly. Because of this, Miriam and the women went out with timbrels after the Egyptians had been drowned in the Sea Suph (the Red Sea) and started dancing. (Heavenly Secrets #10416) | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PASpiritual Belonging
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - July 25, 2010
| By Rev Ronald D. Schnarr | Boulder, COFollowing the Lord's Commandments Completely
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 25, 2010
| By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Boynton Beach, FLResurrection Service for Rev. Robert Cooper
Memorial Service - July 22, 2010
Rt. Rev. Thomas Kline also on the chancel and read from scripture. | By Rev. Dr Andrew M. Dibb | Bryn Athyn CathedralThree Reasons For Honoring Marriage
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 18, 2010
7/18/2010 Sermon | By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | West Concord, MA