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Part 3-Be the Church: Serve Humanity

Worship Service: Sermon only - July 29, 2007

This is part three of our summer series, "Be the Church"Âť. In part one ("Connect with the Lord") we reviewed the seven basic components of a life in the church. Then last week, in part two ("Love One Another"), we discussed what it meant to be the church to one another as part of the communion of saints. This week, in part three, "Serve Humanity"Âť, are are going to talk about doing good deeds as a church. Good works are not optional. Which good works we do, and how and when we do them, are left to us to decide. But the Lord does not want people in this world to suffer and it is our obligation as his church to do something to make the world better. We start by shunning evils and performing our daily occupations, and also by being good citizens and good spouses and parents. But the Lord asks more of us. The world is full of natural as well as spiritual suffering, and we are not meant to ignore either. When doing good works, it is important that we do them justly and from good judgment. Indiscriminately giving money to anyone who asks for it, for instance, may do as much harm as good. At the same time it is a mistake to let our fears of doing the "wrong" good deed stop us from ever attempting good works at all. So long as we try to use our best judgement, and try to do it out of the kindness of our hearts and not merely with the hope of some reward, the Lord will bless us and lead us to become ever better at it. Now, natural charity is meant to be a foundation for spiritual charity, so in two weeks we will have part four, "Proclaim the Good News"Âť. To see the truth of this message and to learn how to apply it to your life, read Matthew 25:34-40 and True Christian Religion 459:13-17, then listen to the full audio of this sermon by clicking here, and then try out what you learn in your life. This sermon, along with the rest of the series, is available through the Pittsburgh New Church (www.PittsburghNewChurch), where it was preached,, the New Church (, and for free at the Apple iTunes Store. | By Rev. Glenn (Mac) Frazier | Pittsburgh, PA
See Event (17m 26s)
Part 2-Be the Church: Love One Another

Worship Service: Sermon only - July 22, 2007

In part one of our series, we reviewed our individual responsibilities to the Lord as citizens of his kingdom on earth, the Church. They are to live a life of piety (praying, reading the Word, and worshiping the Lord) and a life of charity (repenting, shunning evils, and serving other people) so that we may be born again. In Part 2, we are talking about how we can be the church to one another. In The Gospel of John, the Lord tells us, "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."Âť A very powerful and important way we can keep this commandment is by supporting each other in one another's personal spiritual journeys. True Christian Religion teaches that the Church as a person's neighbor provides true teachings and good deeds by which that person enters the Lord's kingdom. If each of us is to be the church, then each of us is responsible for supporting our spiritual brothers and sisters as they try to understand truths and to do good deeds. It is because the church - which is made up of each one of us - helps us in this way that we are to love and honor our spiritual mother the church as one of the highest forms of neighbor. And when we are the church to one another and are loving the church in one another, we form a spiritual community of individuals striving to help one another to become better people. This community the Writings for the New Church call the "communion of saints". But the communion of saints also includes people you have never met. In Part 3, we will look at ways we as a church can be a good neighbor to the rest of the world in "Be the Church, Part 3: Serve Humanity"Âť. To see the truth of this message and to learn how to apply it to your life, read John 13:31-24 and True Christian Religion 145-146, and then listen to the full audio of this sermon by clicking here. This sermon, along with the rest of the series, is available through the Pittsburgh New Church ( where it was preached,,, and for free at the Apple iTunes Store. | By Rev. Glenn (Mac) Frazier | Pittsburgh, PA
See Event (14m 48s)
Part 1-Be the Church: Connect with the Lord

Worship Service: Sermon only - July 15, 2007

Welcome to our series, "Don't Just Go to Church, Be the Church!"Âť The church is not the priesthood, nor is it some abstract thing apart from you. The church is simply the group of people who follow the Lord, and you are called to be one of them. For the next several Sundays we will be talking about what it means to be citizens of the Lords' kingdom on earth. In our first part, "Connect with the Lord"Âť, we begin by reviewing what our personal, individual responsibilities to the Lord are. Put briefly, there are seven things the Lord wants us to do: (1) Pray, (2) Read the Word, (3) Worship, (4) Repent, (5) Shun evils, (6) Serve other people, and (7) Regenerate, or be born again. The first three are what are sometimes called the "life of piety", and the next three are called the "life of charity"Âť; the last one is not something we do ourselves, but instead is something the Lord does for us as a result of the other six. To see the truth of this and learn how to apply it to your life, read Luke 17:20-21 and The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine 124, 241-245 (included below), and then listen to the full audio of this sermon by clicking here. This sermon, along with the rest of the series, is available through the Pittsburgh New Church (where it was preached), TheoBlog, the New Church, and the Apple iTunes Store. Next week we will begin to talk about our responsibilities to the church in "Be the Church, Part 2: Support One Another". | By Rev. Glenn (Mac) Frazier | Pittsburgh, PA
See Event (18m 08s)

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