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Glorification and Redemption
Worship Service: Children & Adult - October 31, 2010
Jacob's Ladder and how the Lord changed everything (Arcana Coelestia 4075; John 14:27; True Christian Religion 418, 610, 599; Genesis 28:10-17) "When the Lord made the Human within Himself Divine, He too had communities of spirits and angels around Him; for it was His will that everything should be accomplished in keeping with order. But He chose for Himself the kind of communities that would be of service, and changed them as seemed good to Him. Yet He did not take any good or truth at all from them and apply it to Himself, but only from the Divine. And by acting in this way He also restored to order both heaven and hell; He restored them step by step until He had glorified Himself completely." (Secrets of Heaven 4075) "In the conflicts or temptations of men the Lord works a particular redemption; as He wrought a total redemption when in the world. By conflicts and temptations in the world the Lord glorified His Human, that is, made it Divine; in like manner now with man individually, when he is in temptations, the Lord fights for him, conquers the evil spirits who are infesting him, and after temptation glorifies him, that is, renders him spiritual. After His universal redemption the Lord reduced to order all things in heaven and in hell; with man after temptation He does in like manner, that is, He reduces to order all the things of heaven and the world that are in him. After redemption the Lord established a new church; in like manner He also establishes what pertains to the church in man, and makes him to be a church in particular. After redemption the Lord bestowed peace upon those who believed on Him, for He said: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives, give I unto you (John 14:27). Likewise He gives to man after temptation a sense of peace, that is, gladness of mind and consolation. From all this it is clear that the Lord is the Redeemer forever." (True Christian Religion 599) | By Rev. John L. Odhner | Ivyland New Church, PAOur Communication with Spirits and Angels
Doctrinal Class - August 18, 2010
| By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageBringing Good Out of Evil
Worship Service: Children & Adult - August 08, 2010
The Lord allows the hells in the next life to lead the good into temptation, consequently to introduce falsities and evils. But at that time the Lord Himself is present directly - and by means of angels indirectly - with those undergoing temptation and is offering resistance by refuting the falsities of the spirits from hell and dispersing their evil. From this come renewal, hope, and victory. In this way the truths of faith and forms of the good of charity present with those who are governed by the truths of good are implanted more deeply and strengthened more firmly. The spirits who bring about temptations intend nothing but evil. But the Divine turns that evil into good, in accord with order existing from eternity; and life is thereby imparted to those governed by the truths of good. For it should be recognized that the spirits from hell who are allowed to attack the good in that way intend nothing but evil. They wish with all their might to drag them down from heaven and cast them into hell; for to destroy anyone's soul, thus to destroy him forever, is the sheer delight of their life. But they are not allowed by the Lord to do anything at all except for the sake of the end that good may come out of it, that is to say, so that truth and good may be made firmer and stronger with those who undergo temptation. In the entire spiritual world there reigns the end in view, emanating from the Lord, that nothing whatever should take place, not even the smallest thing, except in order that good may come out of it. This is why the Lord's kingdom is called a kingdom of ends and useful purposes. (Heavenly Secrets #6574) | By Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith | Ivyland New Church, PABe Still & Go Forward
Worship Service: Children & Adult - July 25, 2010
What to do at the edge of the sea, spiritually (Exodus 14:13-15; Joshua 1:9; Arcana Coelestia 8184, 10416) The meaning of 'dividing that sea' is dispersing the falsities arising from evil that are present in hell; for the falsities there are seen as waters. When the pillar of angels in which the Lord is present passes through that hell the falsities depart, and as a consequence the waters there, which are the falsities, are parted asunder. From this it is evident that 'dividing the sea' means dispersing the falsities belonging to the hell that is represented by 'the Sea Suph' (the Red Sea). (Heavenly Secrets #8184) The desire to celebrate resides inwardly in a person's feeling of freedom, and all feeling of freedom comes as a result of love, when nothing exists to frustrate it. Since outward things are used in the Word to describe inward ones, times of play and dancing are used to describe those of joy and gladness present in a person inwardly. Because of this, Miriam and the women went out with timbrels after the Egyptians had been drowned in the Sea Suph (the Red Sea) and started dancing. (Heavenly Secrets #10416) | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PAWhere Does Freedom Come From
Worship Service: Children & Adult - July 04, 2010
Where Does Freedom Come From - The Lord's greatest gift to the human race (John 8:31-32; Arcana Coelestia 1937, 1947; Heaven and Hell 603) "The freedom which is in keeping with love to the Lord and love towards the neighbor, consequently with the love of what is good and true, is true freedom, being the freedom that exists in heaven. "This freedom that exists in heaven originates in the Lord. All angels in heaven possess it. It goes with love to the Lord and with mutual love, and so with the affection for what is good and true. The nature of this freedom becomes clear from the fact that everyone who possesses it communicates from inmost affection his own blessedness and happiness to another, and that to him it is also blessedness and happiness to be able to communicate these things. "And what is remarkable, the one type of freedom is so much the contrary of the other that for good spirits the freedom which goes with self-love and love of the world is hell, while conversely for evil spirits the freedom that goes with love to the Lord and with mutual love is hell. "Since no one can be reformed unless he is in freedom, freedom is never taken away from a person, so far as the person himself is concerned. For it is an eternal law that everyone should be interiorly in freedom, that is, that his affections and thoughts should be in freedom, so that the affection for good and truth may be implanted within him." (Heavenly Secrets #2870-2876) | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PAThe Ark of the Covenant - Lost and Found
Worship Service: Children & Adult - June 27, 2010
Holding and preserving the Lord's truth I Samuel 4:1 - 7:1, parts; AR 529 Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. (Rev. 11:19) This symbolizes the New Heaven, in which the Lord is worshiped in His Divine Humanity, and where people live in accordance with the Ten Commandments, which constitute the two essential elements of the New Church that are the means of conjunction. The temple of God symbolizes the Lord in His Divine Humanity in heaven where angels dwell. The ark in the temple means the Ten Commandments, for the ark had as its sole contents the two tables on which the Ten Commandments were written. The temple's being opened means, symbolically, that these two, the Divine Humanity and the Ten Commandments, which are the two essential elements of the New Church, are now visible. The ark is called the ark of His covenant in His temple because a covenant symbolizes conjunction. (Apocalypse Revealed #529) | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PABe Still, and Know That I Am God - A Memorial Day Sermon
Worship Service: Children & Adult - May 30, 2010
2 Samuel 1:19-26; Psalm 46; John 15:7-17; Arcana Coelestia 1664 O mountains of Gilboa, Let there be no dew, nor let there be rain upon you, Nor fields of offerings. For the shield of the mighty is cast away there! How the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battle! Jonathan was slain in your high places. I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan..." (2 Samuel 1:19-26) Wars in the Word mean in the internal sense nothing other than spiritual conflicts, which are temptations. Wars waged by men can have no place whatever in the internal parts of the Word, for such things as wars are not the spiritual and celestial things which alone constitute the Word. It is a constant truth that Jehovah alone, that is, the Lord, fights and overcomes the devil present with a person when he is involved in the conflicts brought by temptations, even though to that person this does not appear to be so. For evil spirits have no power at all to exert the slightest influence on man unless they are permitted to do so, and angels cannot act to avert anything at all unless enabled to do so by the Lord. (Heavenly Secrets #1664) | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PAThe Angels with the Lord
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - February 21, 2010
| By Rev. John L. Odhner | Bryn Athyn CathedralAngels Around Us
©2009 Christine Taylor. (P)2010 General Church. | By Multiple Artists | Bryn Athyn, PAAngels Appearing
Worship Service: Sermon only - December 20, 2009
Near death experiences. Lessons read by Cassidy Synnestvedt. | By Rev. Glenn G. Alden | Tucson, AZThe Lord's Vision and Our Reality: Problems Caused by the Gap
A four-part presentation given at Eldergarten, "Celebrating the Age of Wisdom". Subject: Readers of the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg encounter powerful teachings about the vision of marriage, of the New Church, and of people acting more like angels so that heaven comes to earth. There is a gap between these visions and where we are in a culture that works against them. These sessions explore what we can do about this gap, studying the doctrines related to marriage, the church, and regeneration. 4 CD set. | By Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Jr. | Boynton Beach, FLJacob's Dream of Angels
Worship Service: Children & Adult - September 09, 2007
| By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PAFor Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever
Worship Service: Children & Adult - June 17, 2007
Ninth in a Series on the Lord's Prayer | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PAIn Company with Angels
Worship Service: Informal Family - June 03, 2007
| By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn Society BuildingOur Spiritual Brothers and Sisters
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 20, 2007
Psalm 133 opens with the phrase: "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." (vs. 1) We'll explore the internal meaning of these words and how they're expressive of the relationship we have with the angels. | By Rev. Ethan McCardell | Sarver, PA"That My Joy May Remain In You"
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 25, 2007
Rev. Robert H.P. Cole (Guest Preacher for Pastor Ethan) explores the meaning of these words of Jesus with special emphasis on the life of joy experienced by the angels of heaven. | By Rev. Robert H. Cole | Sarver, PAKnowing Our Spiritual Environment
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 22, 2006
Children's Talk: Angels Are With Us Sermon: Knowing Our Spiritual Environment | By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | Boston, MAAngels Are With Us
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 15, 2006
| By Rev. Matthew L. Genzlinger | Boston, MAEven Heaven Has Its Ups and Downs
Worship Service: Sermon only - September 03, 2006
"'As long as the earth endures, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Summer and winter, Day and night Will never cease.'" (Gen. 8:22) In life we go through alternating states of cold and heat as we are being spiritually remade. What is more surprising is that even the angels in the highest heaven go through alternations of spiritual summer and spiritual winter. So, too, can we expect the Church to continually pass through such spiritual seasons. When we are in winter, it is not our failure but an opportunity for learning. Have faith in the coming of summer. To see what I'm talking about, read Genesis 8, Mark 4:26-29, and Secrets of Heaven 935. Full text available at | By Rev. Glenn (Mac) Frazier | Pittsburgh, PAPast, Present and Future with the Angels
Worship Service: Children & Adult - July 23, 2006
CD Tracks: 1-Hymn & Office 8:14 2-Lesson, Talk & Offertory 12:56 3-Lessons 6:22 4-Interlude 3:10 5-Sermon 15:55 6-Hymn & Benediction 3:04 | By Rev. Kenneth J. Alden | Boynton Beach, FLFear Not!
Worship Service: Informal Family - December 04, 2005
God wants to replace our fear with love. We'll talk about the story of the angels appearing to the shepherds to announce the coming of the Lord as an example. | By Rev. Ethan McCardell | Sarver, PAPart 1-Uses In Heaven
Doctrinal Class - June 01, 2005
Part 1 of 2 classes | By Rev. Geoffrey S. Jr. Childs | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageAngels Consumed by Delight
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 22, 2005
| By Rev. R. Amos Glenn | Pittsburgh, PA