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Responding Affirmatively
Are you receptive and open to new ideas? Do you strive to be affirmative when listening to others? The Writings for the New Church talk about the "affirmative principle" (Arcana Coelestia 2568). Most of the passages on this subject talk about our approach to the Word of the Lord, asking us to be affirmative to what we read there. But a more careful consideration of this attitude shows that it applies to all facets of life. CD Description: 1-44:52 2-35:00 | By Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Jr. | Bryn Athyn, Mitchell Performing Arts Center
See Event (01h 19m 30s)
"Mythos" and "Logos" in the New Church
Mythos and Logos can be viewed as two essential and complementary ways of arriving at religious truth. How can we integrate the Mythos of eternal, universal meaning - the interior world of ritual and revelation - with the Logos of reason, intellect and exernal realities? This workshop attempts to define Mythos and Logos and then explore how they have been used (and possibly misused) in the life of religion. Handout available-Quotations from the Writings, Talk and Bibliography CD Description: 1-Talk 37:31 2-Discussion 11:21 3-Closing Remarks 6:53 | By Beryl C. Simonetti | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood Estate
See Event (55m 56s)
Marketing the New Church
This workshop will outline the rationale, goals and methods for spreading the New Church with applications to information planting and college growth. An exploration of new ways to use the World Wide Web for church growth will be presented. Breakout groups were used to develop data that can be used for web based evangelization. Panel: Charles Lindsay and Dan A. Synnestvedt Handout available-some resource information CD Description: 1-Main Talk 43:59 2-Discussion 23:36 3-Panel Discussion 9:27 4-Closing Discussion 1:11 | By Dr. Charles Ebert; Dr. Dan A. Synnestvedt; Charles Lindsay | Bryn Athyn Swedenborg Library
See Event (01h 18m 15s)
Psychology and Religion
Join the discussion on the latest connections between psychology and theology. Learn about the exciting new ways that therapists are paying attention to spiritual growth in therapy sessions, in ways they never did in the past. Discover the amazing ways that psychologists can actually capture pictures of the inside of a person's brain while they are having a religious experience, which gives us clues about the parts of the brain we use when we are worshipping God! CD Description: 1-43:51 2-24:00 Handouts available-4 pages | By Dr. Sonia S. Werner | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood Estate
See Event (01h 07m 33s)
Helping Marriages Thrive
Getting where you are going! Our culture supports getting where we want in our daily routines of travel, commuting and recreation. How about getting where we want in our marriages? This workshop will explore ways to make goals, remember why we believe in marriage in the first place, and have fun along the way. CD Description: 1-29:47 2-27:19 | By Rev. John L. Odhner; Lori Odhner | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood Village
See Event (56m 52s)
Microboundaries - Protection of Love
We are created with God-given defenses against intrusion on the self for the sake of our spiritual life. We will look at ways in which people tend to cross spiritual boundaries with their loved ones and bring up these defenses, creating unnecessary upset and distrust in relationships. This workshop is appropriate for teenagers to any age and may be especially useful to couples. | By Rev. Mark R. Carlson | Bryn Athyn, Mitchell Performing Arts Center
See Event (01h 19m 38s)
Marriage in all its Aspects
This workshop is open to all of you who love marriages, no matter at what stage your lives are. We would like to share what we are doing in our community, and hear what you are doing in yours. We will be talking about the 3 "C"s of marriage, and offering you an opportunity to share your ideas about marriage. By doing this we hope to open up to the joy the Lord promises for all of us. CD Description: 1-Introduction: Nita & Dean 24:50 2-Julie Conaron 18:31 3-Nita & Dean Holmes 15:52 4-Discussion 20:38 | By Julie Conaron; Nita Holmes; Dean Holmes | Bryn Athyn Fine Arts Building
See Event (01h 19m 32s)
Resolving Contradictions in Our Understanding of God
Christianity contains many paradoxes, dilemas, or apparent contradictions. Does the Lord determine everything or am I free to choose something? Which are better, traditional services or contemporary services? The New Church is the crown of all churches and enables us to understand the synergistic outcomes of these apparent contradictions. We'll be working together using a visual presentation called a Polarity Map that allows the situation clearly, discussed and resolved. Handout available-Introduction to map & management | By Ned Uber | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood Estate
See Event (56m 27s)
Plenary 3-Who and What is the Church?
What makes the church to be a church? Who belongs? To what extent does the real church exist within us? The Writings suggest fascinating answers to these and other related questions. 1-Music: College singers with Thane Glenn 15:35 2-Worship: Born Again, WO Ankra-Badu 21:57 3-Address: BW Keith, with Introduction by Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline 37:23 | By Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith | Bryn Athyn Field House
See Event (01h 14m 36s)
Exploring the New Liturgy: A Choral Experience
2 CD or 1 cassette set When it comes to music we often say "we know what we like," and often this really means "we like what we know." We welcome all to come and explore the new Liturgy in an active workshop of singing and joy. With Terry at the keyboard and Chris working the crowd, new favorites will be discovered and returning old chestnuts celebrated. Disc One: 1 Track 77:28 Disc Two: 1 Track 10:39 | By Terry Schnarr; Mr Christopher Simons | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood Village
See Event (00m 00s)
A Message To All People
Subtitled: A Vision For Tiered Mass-media Evangelization Through the New Century Edition, New Books and Movies | By Rev. Dr Jonathan S. Rose | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood Estate
See Event (28m 37s)
Embracing the Challenge
This workshop features personal stories from parents, siblings and individuals with disabilities to illustrate the truth that "nothing is allowed to happen except to the end that something good may come of it." (AC 6489) CD Description: 1-Chandra Hoffman 20:40 2-Kimberly Heinrichs 13:22 3-Neil Genzlinger 14:38 4-Jenny Blair & Joan P. Lynch 31:07 | By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh; Multiple Speakers | Bryn Athyn Swedenborg Library
See Event (01h 19m 27s)
Live Your Best Life: Recognizing and Using Your God Given Gifts
Do you want to serve God and serve others but you feel stuck, un-confident, discouraged or confused? Do you want to find the things that make you jump out of bed in the morning, your heart singing? Explore the idea that the Lord created you for a purpose and a mission and that He is going to help you in discovering it! Discover how our life experience, our painful times, our unique abilities, and our loves can all come together to serve God and serve others. Explore with others the breadth of ways that we can serve the Lord and serve each other and be inspired, encouraged and empowered to go forward and give and serve with joy! CD Description: 1-Introduction 4:07 2-Meditation 10:13 3-Various Processes 20:08 4-Talk & Closing Prayer 32:22 | By Anna Woofenden | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood Estate
See Event (01h 06m 34s)
Plenary 2- New Church Education: You Can Take It With You
2 CDs. Through the opening of the spiritual mind, New Church education aims for the highest possible achievement of human happiness. A global concept for New Church education is emerging. Disc One Description: 1-Opening Remarks, P Schnarr 15:35 2-Home Schooling, J Krettek 14:52 3-Spiritual Life at Home, N Brock 13:33 4-Girls School, Susan Odhner 14:25 5-Bryn Athyn College, D Synnestvedt 20:56 Disc Two Description: 1-Musical Portion, Sons of Art 13:55 2-Worship: Teaching Children About Eternity, PM Buss 14:46 | By Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Sr.; Rev. Philip B. Schnarr; Dr. Dan A. Synnestvedt; Multiple Speakers; Nathaniel Brock; Dr. Janet Krettek | Bryn Athyn Field House
See Event (01h 47m 34s)
The Doctrine of Genuine Truth: Open the Door to the Word
The basic truths a person needs in order to see the deeper truths in the Word are called the Doctrine of Genuine Truth. After discussing this doctrine, this presentation considers a few specific passages from Scripture to see what there is to discover. The presentation discusses correpondences and looks at objects and works of art to see how they illustrate and give life to the experience. Handout available-Deuteronomy 30:1-10 (blessings), 11-20 (curses) | By Rev. Göran R. Appelgren | Bryn Athyn Pendleton Hall
See Event (53m 54s)
The Trajectory of Church History and Future of the New Church
The Heavenly Doctrines and psychology in general tell us to learn from the past, to plan for the future, and to live in the present. With this in mind we can learn from the previous special churches (Most Ancient Church, Ancient Church, Israelitish Church, and Christian Church) and look to the future that the Lord has for the New Church, as all of this is revealed in the Heavenly Doctrines. What can the Church do now that will help implement the Lord's plans for His Kingdom on earth? | By Rev. Prescott A. Rogers | Bryn Athyn, Mitchell Performing Arts Center
See Event (01h 25m 57s)
Seek Ye the Kingdom of Heaven First
Similar to the workshop given at the Academy and at the New Church in Boulder Valley, this workshop gives you an opportunity to work on an actual resentment that is having a negative impact on a relationship and to identify the love of self and the world that is being activated. It will demonstrate a way to use the 12-step process to bring your own will into harmony with God's will for you, so on a daily basis you can cooperate in your prayer, "Thy will, not mine, be done." | By Peter Rhodes | Bryn Athyn, Mitchell Performing Arts Center
See Event (01h 15m 48s)
Follow Me
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - June 05, 2005
| By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PA
See Event (27m 08s)
Is True Doctrine Important?
Worship Service: Sermon only - June 05, 2005
(Audio quality improves after the first lesson) | By Rev. R. Amos Glenn | Pittsburgh, PA
See Event (30m 28s)
General Assembly 2005 - Photo Disc
Digital Photos - June 05, 2005
Photos taken over the four days of the Assembly. | By Fred Dunlap | Bryn Athyn, PA
See Event (00m 00s)
The Two Witnesses
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - June 05, 2005
| By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn, PA
See Event (50m 26s)
The Call to Assembly
Worship Service: Ordination & Sermon - June 05, 2005
Ordinations into the 1st Degree - Jerome Dube & Michael Ferrell CD Description: 1 - Special Music and Prelude - 9:04 2 - Ordinations - 15:57 3 - Hymn - 1:37 4 - Lessons - 7:56 5 - Interlude - 5:04 6 - Sermon - 4:08 7 - Hymn - 2:25 8 - Holy Supper - 3:51 9 - Hymn, Prayer & Postlude - 28:58 | By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline | Bryn Athyn, PA
See Event (01h 19m 25s)
Plenary 1-What On EARTH Are We Doing Here?
The Lord wants this church to grow. How do we know this? He tells us consistently throughout the Word. This session will offer tangible and encouraging ideas, founded on the doctrines, answering these questions: What are we doing here? Individually? Collectively? What is the Lord calling us to do and how do we truly serve His purposes? Disc One Description: 1-Musical Prelude 31:09 2-Introduction/Welcome, JF Simons 8:14 3-Opening Prayer, TL Kline 1:35 4-Opening Talk, TL Kline 19:22 Disc Two Description: 1-1st Portion of Talk 15:30 2-1st Video Session 6:48 3-2nd Portion of Talk 25:34 4-2nd Video Session 6:07 5-3rd Portion of talk 7:09 6-3rd Video Session 11:37 7-Closing Remarks 1:04 | By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline; Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth; Rev. Jeremy F. Simons; Bronwen M. Henry | Bryn Athyn Field House
See Event (02h 14m 16s)
Part 1-Uses In Heaven
Doctrinal Class - June 01, 2005
Part 1 of 2 classes | By Rev. Geoffrey S. Jr. Childs | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood Village
See Event (52m 52s)
New Church Life: June 2005
"New Church Life" read aloud - June 01, 2005
Disc One: Tk 1-Contents & Notes 3:59, Tk 2-How the Lord Made the Second Coming, a sermon on Matthew 24:30 by Erik E. Sandstrom 26:10, Tk 3-Memorial Address for Frederick L. Schnarr by Derek Elphick & Bryn Athyn College Graduates 20:15, Tk 4-Spiritual "Hydrostasis" (Truth in Balance) A Charter Day Address by Grant H. Odhner 19:18, Disc Two: Tk 1-The Orgins of Life-Theory and Its Limitations-Part 1 by James Brush 23:47, Tk 2-Editorial Pages 16:37, Tk 3-Communication 6:04, Tk 4-Announcements & Secondary School Graduates of the Academy of the New Church 5:55 | By Rev. Derek P. Elphick; Rev. Grant H. Odhner; Rev. Dr Erik E. Sandstrom; New Church Life; James Brush | Bryn Athyn, PA
See Event (04h 03m 38s)