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Begin a New Life, Part 2 - Own the Problem
Worship Service: Sermon only - April 21, 2013
If you want to make a new beginning you have to take responsibility for the problems--the old life you are trying to leave behind. Unless we acknowledge our problems and shortcomings we have no hope of making any real changes in our life. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Westville, RSAA Table in the Presence of Enemies
Worship Service: Sermon only - March 29, 2013
3 lessons & sermon | By Rev. Kenneth J. Alden | Boynton Beach, FLGood News From Mark, Part 11 - Staying Awake
Worship Service: Sermon only - March 24, 2013
This week is Palm Sunday. However, in the sermon series we will be talking about the Lord's Second Coming. What's the number one thing the Lord warns us to do given all the terrible things that take place during the end times? Stay awake. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Westville, RSAJacob's Fear
Worship Service: Sermon only - March 10, 2013
Jacob was afraid as he prepared to meet his brother Esau, and in his fear he wrestled a mysterious man all night. In the internal sense, this story is about temptations we experience as we prepare to enter a new spiritual state. | By Rev. Coleman S. Glenn | Dawson CreekThe Bright and Clear State of Hope
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 20, 2013
3 lessons, children's talk & sermon | By Rev. George D. McCurdy | Boynton Beach, FLFinding Inner Strength
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 25, 2012
| By Rev. David C. Roth | Boulder, COThe Blind Spot That Hinders Generosity
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 04, 2012
We have a cultural blind spot that can keep us from becoming truly generous people. Let's learn to see it so we can deal with it. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Westville, RSAWhy Is Religion Important
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 21, 2012
What do we get out of being involved in the church and in a relationship with God? One way to explore this issue is by looking at what agreement the Lord is offering us. He agrees to do something for us and in return asks us to do something for Him. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Westville, RSASpiritual Warfare, Part 2 - The Battle is the Lord's
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 14, 2012
Are you willing to fight? That was the question that we focused on last week in our series on spiritual warfare. (If you missed that sermon and would like to read it, you can find it on the homepage at and if you would like to listen to it you can find it at ) If you're willing to fight, the next question is how do you fight? There's a lot that we could talk about but we're going to focus primarily on one crucial factor in fighting spiritual battles. If we don't do this one thing in our spiritual battles we will always ultimately lose. Can you guess what it is? If you know what it is, do you know how to do it effectively? | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAHow the Lord Gives Dreams that Change Lives
Worship Service: Sermon only - September 23, 2012
The Lord offers incredibly powerful guidance through the use of His Word. But there are thoughts and feelings we have that can cloud the vision and make us doubt. The story of Joseph helps us tune into what the Lord offers us and avoid the pitfalls of the doubts that the hells throw our way. Resources and other Journey programs: | By Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth | Bryn Athyn CathedralTrapped
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 15, 2012
Those who are at the point of despair suppose that they can no longer withstand the attacks made on them, they think that they cannot do anything else but surrender like prisoners to falsities. This is what the state of despair is like; yet in that state they begin to be lifted out of it and be led so to speak from thick darkness into light.(Arcana Coelestia 7155) | By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn CathedralElisha's Prediction
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - July 15, 2012
| By Rev. Jeremy F. Simons | Bryn Athyn CathedralLies About Love, Part 1 - The Confusion about Love and Feelings
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 08, 2012
It's hard to think of anything more important than love. What we love affects everything about our lives. And yet, it's also really easy to get confused about love--what is it? What does it mean to love somebody? How do we show our love in this or that situation? Part of what makes it difficult is that there are a lot of misconceptions or lies about love out there. This Sunday we're going to start talking about some of the common wrong ideas about love and what the Lord teaches us instead. | By Rev. Malcolm G. Smith | Westville, RSAWeeds Among the Wheat - Lay reader
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 01, 2012
We sometimes feel that our motives are not what they should be especially in our younger years. But they have a purpose. How can they help us with our spiritual life? What are "good" motives and what are"bad" ones? This Sunday we will be looking at the parable of the wheat and the tares and what it really means in our lives. | By Rev. Mark D. Pendleton | Westville, RSANew Way 101: Struggle
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 20, 2012
| By Rev. Glenn (Mac) Frazier | Austin, TXThy Will Be Done: The Keys To Happiness
Worship Service: Informal Family - March 11, 2012
| By Rev. John L. Odhner | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallJonah In The Fish's Belly
Worship Service: Children & Adult - January 15, 2012
3 lessons & family address | By Rev. Kenneth J. Alden | Boynton Beach, FLSpiritual Influences on Freedom and Rationality
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 30, 2011
3 lessons and sermon | By Rev. Kenneth J. Alden | Boynton Beach, FLSHIFT - Week 1 - Shift of Awareness, Noticing Conflicts
Worship Service: Children & Adult - September 25, 2011
Quotes, Divine Providence #284, Secrets of Heaven #3332 | By Rev. Thomas H. Rose | Ivyland New Church, PAShunning Deceit
Worship Service: Sermon only - September 18, 2011
2 lessons and sermon | By Rev. Kenneth J. Alden | Boynton Beach, FLDoes The Lord Demand Sacrifice?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 18, 2011
| By Rev. David C. Roth | Boulder, CODealing with Devils Part 3- Buying You Off
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 14, 2011
Devils are tricky creatures. Last week we talked about how they try and catch you in traps they set up for you. This week we talk about their most deadly attack; offering us flattery and appreciation. What do we watch out for? What do we do when we recognise their wiles? | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Westville, RSADealing With Devils Part 2: Attack on Perspective
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 07, 2011
One of the teachings of the New Church is about the reality of the Spiritual World and its influence on us. This week we will look at some of the specific ways that hell attacks our perspective of life with the goal of freeing ourselves from the traps that the tricky devils set for us. | By Rev. Derrick Lumsden | Westville, RSA