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Life After Death

Lecture - December 01, 1982

The lectures in this series are intended to bring to a wider public the benefits of a better knowledge and grasp of the spiritual teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, arguably the most amazing scientist and seer of the Western world. His achievements which are extraordinarily numerous, include the first design of an aeroplane to use modern aerodynamic principles, the anticipation of the discovery that pure energy is the basis of all matter, a vision of the genetic double helix of DNA, the molecular basis of magnetism, and a sill growing number of physiological insights being confirmed by modern medical research. In 1745 at the age of 57, he found himself experience a "double awareness." In addition to continued normal consciousness of the natural world he experienced a full waking consciousness of the world of deceased persons, and an ability to live amongst them as though himself deceased. For the remaining 27 years of his natural life, he enjoyed perfect health and devoted himself to exploring and mapping the "world of spirits, heaven and hell." He kept detailed records which he analyzed in many books aimed at providing the reader with a fully rational and spiritual comprehension of the Divine, created forms, spiritual enlightenment and progression, and the beautiful spiritual symbolism of the Sacred Scriptures. In particular, his detailed exposition of the spiritual progression and retrogression of the soul after death makes the present situation and needs of the soul in this life, crystal clear. There have been many subsequent communications from the world of spirits through others, of varying quality and spirituality, but Swedenborg remains unrivaled for the sheer extent and spirituality of his "other world" explorations, and for the superbly trained and deeply penetrating mind he brought to bear in assessing and evaluating his spiritual discoveries, and in presenting the spiritual-rational pattern into which they fall. Recorded sometime in 1982. Dr. Michael Stanley was originally trained and carried out research in the sciences of physics, crystallography, metallurgy and the solid state. He left scientific research to undergo training in the spiritual teachings of Swedenborg. He has led groups in Mauritius and Lancashire, and given lectures in Australia and America, and is now the Principal of the New Church College in Manchester, England. Contact the New Church College in Manchester for a catalog. | By Dr. Michael Stanley | Manchester, England
See Event (30m 35s)

14426 - 14450 of 20308