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Trusting in the Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 26, 1995
| By Rev. Lawson M. Smith | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Light of My Life
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 12, 1995
| By Rev. Walter E. III Orthwein | Bryn Athyn CathedralAll Doctrines Apply to Life
Doctrinal Class - February 25, 1994
| By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallThe Alpha and Omega
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 15, 1993
Master: CD Sermon concludes: "What we recite may be summed up in two words- the greatest combination of words in all human language...." "Let the words of the book of creation take on a new meaning for us and be fulfilled: And God created man in His own image." | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Death of Moses/Could God Lead Us Better
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 01, 1993
Two sermons, second date is 08/29/93 | By Rev. Frank S. Rose | Tucson, AZInteraction Between Good and Truth...
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 25, 1993
Full title: Interaction Between Good and Truth (Wings of the Morning) | By Rt. Rev. Louis B. King | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Spiritual World, Class 1
Doctrinal Class - June 14, 1993
Class 1 of 15 in this series. Find all classes by selecting "The Spiritual World Classes" from the GROUP search option. | By Rev. Willard L D Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CairncrestMaking Moral Judgements
Worship Service: Sermon only - April 18, 1993
| By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallThe Most Important Doctrine
Doctrinal Class - February 19, 1993
| By Rev. Walter E. III Orthwein | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallSpiritual Struggles
Doctrinal Class - February 05, 1993
Dates: February 5 & 12, 1993 | By Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallTalking to Oneself
Doctrinal Class - January 08, 1993
Candidates Derek Elphick, Peter Buss, Jr., and Kurt Hyland Asplundh participate in readings. | By Rev. Donald L. Rose | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallForgiveness
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 03, 1993
| By Rev. Willard L D Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CathedralRealizing the Lord Within Us-Awareness
Camp theme: Realizing the Lord Within Us | By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline | Sunrise Camp, NJThe Humbling of a King
Worship Service: Sermon only - July 12, 1992
Perspective on the love of dominion | By Rev. Donald L. Rose | Bryn Athyn CathedralHeld by the Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - June 14, 1992
| By Rev. Donald L. Rose | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Gospel of John
Doctrinal Class - April 10, 1992
| By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallThe Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 05, 1992
CD | By Rev. Frederick L. Schnarr | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Importance of the Lord's Advent, Part 2
Doctrinal Class - December 13, 1991
Part 2 of 2 Subtitle: Bringing New Light to the World Through the Word | By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallThe Importance of the Lord's Advent, Part 1
Doctrinal Class - December 06, 1991
Part 1 of 2. To find Part 2, look up 12-13-1991 | By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallConjugial Love and Rational Wisdom
Doctrinal Class - November 22, 1991
Part 2 of 2. Full title: Conjugal Love and Rational Wisdom: What Are They? (Find part one by searching the date November 15, 1991) | By Rev. Prescott A. Rogers | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallThe Process Which Produces Happiness, Part I
Doctrinal Class - November 15, 1991
(Find Part 2 by searching date November 22, 1991) | By Rev. Prescott A. Rogers | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallThe Holy Spirit
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 10, 1991
| By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallUnderstanding Heavenly Doctrine
Worship Service: Sermon only - June 23, 1991
| By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn CathedralA Study of the Miracles of Jesus, Part 3
Radio Programs - June 15, 1991
Series title: The Sign of the Prophet Jonah, A Study of the Miracles of Jesus Christ as recorded in The Gospel According to John. Part 3 - Healing the Nobleman's Son. Part 4 - The Pool of Bethesda | By Rev. Dr Raymond J. Silverman | Atlanta, GA