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The Lord As To Essence and As To Person
Worship Service: Sermon only - March 19, 1989
Palm Sunday | By Rev. Geoffrey H. Howard | Bryn Athyn CathedralHope and Encouragement
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 19, 1989
| By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Spiritual Company We Keep
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 05, 1989
| By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallSelf Compulsion
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 16, 1988
| By Rev. Douglas M. Taylor | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallDreams for the New Church
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 08, 1988
| By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallSeeing the Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 22, 1987
PM Buss gives closing prayer. | By Rev. Geoffrey S. Jr. Childs | Bryn Athyn CathedralArcana Coelestia: Class 41
Doctrinal Class - October 13, 1987
Elliot Translation Chapter 21 cont This is an unedited version be aware that there may be problems with audio quality and volume levels. | By Rt. Rev. Louis B. King | Bryn Athyn, PAExpectations
Session #6 of the General Assembly. Introduction: Rev. Geoffrey S. Childs. Speaker: Rev. Daniel W. Goodenough. Address - 60 minutes. Discussion: 23 minutes. | By Rev. Daniel W. Goodenough | Bryn Athyn Field HouseI Am
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 03, 1987
| By Rev. Robert S. Jungé | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallSeeing Divine Providence in the Back
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 23, 1986
| By Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith | Glenview Immanuel ChurchHealing the Centurion's Servant
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 09, 1986
| By Rev. Daniel W. Goodenough | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallThe Spiritual Company We Keep
Doctrinal Class - October 25, 1985
Other title: Association of Spirits and Men. A 4-part class series. | By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallRevelation
Worship Service: Sermon only - June 09, 1985
Millions of sincere Christians have accepted the book of Revelation as the revelation of Jesus Christ, but have not understood its meaning. Thousands of Biblical scholars have not been able to find a common thread of meaning. It is a prophecy. | By Rt. Rev. Louis B. King | Bryn Athyn CathedralJacob, Part 1
Worship Service: Sermon only - April 14, 1985
Part 1 of 3. | By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallLetting Go, Letting God
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 03, 1985
| By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallJohn, Swedenborg, and the Second Coming of the Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 27, 1985
| By Rev. David R. Simons | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallMiracles and Parables in the Book of Revelation
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 20, 1985
| By Rev. David R. Simons | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallMiracles, Parables, and the Establishment of the Christian Church
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 13, 1985
| By Rev. David R. Simons | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallThe Thoughts of Many Hearts: The Personal Challenge of the Writings
Address by Rev. Donald L. Rose to the 4th Session of the 1984 General Assembly. Rev. Arne Bau-Madsen responds, discussing the Doctrine of Reflection. | By Rev. Donald L. Rose | Bryn Athyn Field HouseResponse to Address / Doctrine of Reflection
Rev. Arne Bau-Madsen responds to address "The Thoughts of Many Hearts" by Rev. Donald L. Rose. 4th Session of the 1984 General Assembly. | By Rev. Arne J. Bau-Madsen | Bryn Athyn Field HouseHandling Stress
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 16, 1983
| By Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Kline | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallRegeneration, Parts 1 & 2
Doctrinal Class - February 18, 1983
Class 1 - Becoming a Person. Class 2 - "If You Are Predestined to Heaven, Why Do Some Go to Hell?" (2/25/1983) | By Rt. Rev. Alfred II Acton | Bryn Athyn Society BuildingAngel Care for Children
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - January 16, 1983
Contains a lot of information about children in Heaven. | By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn CathedralBalaam's Blessings
Worship Service: Sermon only - December 05, 1982
Balaam the Prophet (pre-Christmas) | By Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh | Bryn Athyn Pendleton HallThy Will Be Done
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 17, 1982
Excerpt: The Lord would not permit us to experience the incident unless by it we were saved from some more dreadful experience, or unless by it we could learn something essential both to our growth and the best performance of our eternal use. | By Rt. Rev. Louis B. King | Bryn Athyn Cathedral