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Hope in the Lord's Mercy
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - November 24, 2024
1st Lesson: II Kings 19:1-34 (portions) 2nd Lesson: Jeremiah 29:10-11; 31:16-17 3rd Lesson: Arcana Coelestia 2338 Talk: “Hope in the Lord's Mercy” | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Kempton, PAAbide in Me
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - September 15, 2024
There are many ways we can think about what the Lord wants for us. One of the ways the Lord frames it is that He wants us to abide in Him so that He can abide in us. During the service we will be exploring how we can live our lives in a way that allows for the Lord to most fully abide in us, where we can feel His presence and experience His joy | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Westville, RSAGetting to Heaven is Easy
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 18, 2024
1st Lesson: Exodus 19:16-25, 20:1-18 (parts) 2nd Lesson: Mark 10:17-27 3rd Lesson: Heaven and Hell 530, 533 (parts) Sermon: “Getting to Heaven is Easy” (Text: Mark 10:23) | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Kempton, PABishops' Q&A: GC Assembly 2024
Panel Discussion - August 06, 2024
| By Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Jr.; Rt. Rev. David H. Lindrooth; Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallBecoming One Flesh
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - May 19, 2024
In the story of creation, it says that the Lord created male and female and then there is a beautiful phrase near the end the story where the Lord says that the man and his wife shall become one flesh. We will be looking at what it really means to become one flesh in the eyes of the Lord, and how by making males and females wonderfully unique and different, actually allows for the Lord to create a more perfect whole when they are joined together in marriage. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CathedralBecoming One Flesh
Worship Service: Sermon only - May 19, 2024
“Becoming One Flesh” In the story of creation, it says that the Lord created male and female and then there is a beautiful phrase near the end of the story where the Lord says that the man and his wife shall become one flesh. We will be looking at what it really means to become one flesh in the eyes of the Lord, and how by making males and females wonderfully unique and different, actually allows for the Lord to create a more perfect whole when they are joined together in marriage. However, some people worry that if a husband and wife seek to become one, then they will inevitably lose their sense of individual identity. We will explore if this is really the case, and whether it is something to worry about! | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CathedralDeveloping a Strong Faith
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - February 04, 2024
The beginning of the service will start with the rite of confirmation where a young adult will confess her faith. Afterwards, the talk will focus on how to develop a strong faith that is rock solid and can withstand the attacks from hell. In the gospels, the disciple Peter is a symbol for faith, so we will look at some of the lessons we can learn from Peter’s attitude and actions. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CathedralDeveloping a Strong Faith
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 04, 2024
The sermon will focus on how to develop a strong faith that is rock solid and can withstand the attacks from hell. In the gospels, the disciple Peter is a symbol for faith, so we will look at some of the lessons we can learn from Peter’s attitude and actions. It is interesting to see how insightful his faith is at times, and yet often his fake appears to be fickle and weak. There are many lessons to learn about how our faith progresses and develops over time. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CathedralChoosing Sides
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 12, 2023
Life seems to be full of complicated choices, and the world we live in can often seem so confusing. Yet, the Lord in His Word is continually urging us to make the right choice to follow Him. Why does this many times become so hard for us to do? Clearly this choice is wise, but why isn’t making this choice easy? | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Westville, RSAThe Woman at the Well
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 05, 2023
Do you seek the Lord on a regular basis? Are you eager to share with others the things you have learned from Him? The story of the woman at the well provides a wonderful example of how we can go about doing these two very important things! | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Westville, RSA"The Devil's Pillow"
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - August 27, 2023
We are saying goodbye to the lazy days of summer and fun vacations, and we are about to begin the busy months of the school year. It is a great time to think about being useful and getting back to work. However, it is also a good time to reflect on the value of the rest and relaxation we just experienced, and contrast that with what the Heavenly Doctrine teaches us about idleness. Idleness is referred to there as “the Devil’s Pillow!” | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn Cathedral"The Devil's Pillow"
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 27, 2023
We are saying goodbye to the lazy days of summer and fun vacations, and we are about to begin the busy months of the school year. As adults, it is a great time to think about being useful and getting back to our jobs. However, it is also a good time to reflect on the value of the rest and relaxation we just experienced, and contrast that with what the Heavenly Doctrine teaches us about idleness. Idleness is referred to there as “the Devil’s Pillow!” We will take a look at why and how usefulness provides a valuable protection from the hells and can keep the devil at bay. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CathedralMerrily Alden Evans
Memorial Service - April 29, 2023
| By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Kempton, PASeeing the Lord
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - April 16, 2023
One of the themes of the Easter story is people seeing the Lord, or not seeing the Lord. These stories can stimulate some interesting questions for us to think about: Have you ever seen the Lord? Do you think you would recognize the Lord if He was in this sanctuary? Can you picture Him in your mind? We will look at what positive things we can do to help us see the Lord so that we can learn to love Him and follow Him wherever He leads. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CathedralSeeing the Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - April 16, 2023
One of the themes of the Easter story is people seeing the Lord, or not seeing the Lord. These stories can stimulate some interesting questions for us to think about: Have you ever seen the Lord? Do you think you would recognize the Lord if He was in this sanctuary? Can you picture Him in your mind? If you saw Him would you believe it or would you doubt? We will look at what positive things we can do to help us see the Lord so that we can learn to love Him and follow Him wherever He leads. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CathedralI and My Father are One
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - December 04, 2022
At Christmas we love to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus who was born into this world! However, do we really know who this infant being was? Was He the Son of God or the Father? Was He the Son of Mary? Was He God Almighty? Was He Jehovah? Was He the Creator? Was He the Redeemer? We will take a look at who this little infant Saviour really was who came and dwelt among us here on earth. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Westville, RSAPrepare the Way of the Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 27, 2022
Christmas season where we celebrate the birth of the Lord is rapidly approaching and it is useful to us to think about all the things we need to do in order to prepare for His Advent. One key item on each of our checklists should be to REPENT! We will discuss the important role John the Baptist played in preparing people for the Lord’s coming. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Westville, RSAHaving His Name on Your Forehead
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - November 20, 2022
1st Lesson: Rev. 22:1-4; Deut. 6:4-9 2nd Lesson: Psalm 119:33-132 (parts) 3rd Lesson: Apocalypse Revealed 938:1-3 Talk: “Having His Name on Your Forehead” | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Kempton, PAFocusing on What is Essential
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - October 09, 2022
Baptism 1st Lesson: Luke 10:28-42; Matthew 6:29-25 2nd Lesson: Arcana Coelestia 5280:4; Heaven and Hell 266:3; True Christian Religion 744:33 Talk: “Focusing on What is Essential” | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Kempton, PAFriendship
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - June 26, 2022
Friendship is one of the core experiences of being human. We all need, and hopefully have, friends. But how often do we think of our friendship with the Lord? It is an important part of our relationship with Him, and can also inform the many friendships we have with others. Our service this Sunday will be led by Lance Mansfield. Many thanks to Lance! | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Westville, RSAHope in the Lord's Mercy
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - April 24, 2022
Having just celebrated Palm Sunday and Easter, it is often a time when people experience a renewed sense of hope. It is important that we keep hope alive because it is essential to the human condition. Sometimes we can feel sad, scared, and overwhelmed, and we might begin to feel that things are hopeless. However, we need to remember to trust in the sure promised of the Lord! He can help us if we will only turn to Him, pray for His mercy, and then do the things that He asks of us. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CathedralHope in the Lord's Mercy
Worship Service: Sermon only - April 24, 2022
Have you ever lost hope? Hope is vital to the human condition, and it is tied very directly to the Lord's mercy and care for each one of us, so it is wise to maintain hope. The hells love for us to lose all hope and to think that we are beyond help, so it is important for us to remember to trust in the sure promise of the mercy of the Lord! But is mere hope in the Lord's mercy without action on our part enough to save us? Receiving mercy from the Lord requires some positive action on our part. Hoping in pure mercy apart from means in the long run will demoralize us, but hoping in the Lord's Word will continually rejuvenate us in our times of doubt. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Bryn Athyn CathedralThe Good Samaritan
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - February 13, 2022
1st Lesson: Leviticus 19:9-34 2nd Lesson: Luke 10:25-37 3rd Lesson: NJHD 85, Charity 51-54 Talk: “The Good Samaritan” | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Kempton, PABaptism of Repentance
Worship Service: Family (may include music) - November 28, 2021
1st Lesson: Malachi 3&4 (parts) 2nd Lesson: Isaiah 40:1-5 3rd Lesson: TCR 510 & 525 (parts) Talk: “Baptism of Repentance” (Text: Mark 1:2-4) | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Kempton, PACollecting Vessels: New Church Education
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 21, 2021
Periodically, it is useful to reflect on the importance of New Church education and ask why we put so much time and energy into New Church schools. They generally aren’t money makers for the Church. Teaching and upholding new Church values is difficult. So why do we bother? Because of VESSELS! New Church education is all about providing appropriate vessels for our children so that they can learn most effectively. Also, children themselves are vessels and designed to receive input. Their minds are like dry sponges waiting to soak up anything that they hear. And that is why New Church education becomes so vitally important. | By Rt. Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs | Westville, RSA