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Becoming Whole and Clean
Worship Service: Sermon only - March 19, 2017
The Lord washed His disciples' feet as a symbolic way of showing us that we need to focus on avoiding any areas of filth in the way we live our conscious lives. In other words, we need to work on being an outwardly cleaner person so that the Lord can subsequently cleanse us on the level of our spirit. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZBecoming More Christ-Like
Worship Service: Sermon only - March 12, 2017
Christianity, at the organizational or individual level, suffers when there is no genuine charity. Therefore, to be more Christian, or to be more Christ-like, requires a transformation that sees a growing focus on loving the Lord and loving others. When true charity is combined with a true understanding of the Lord's message, the church and the individual, rather than facing destruction, grows into what the Lord and other people need the church and the individual to be. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZHoping in the Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - March 05, 2017
This message reflects on how we might, at times, feel trapped by life. To offset this we need to hold onto hope in the Lord that He has a wonderful future instore for us. We should never lose faith in Him. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZCreated in the Image and Likeness of God
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 26, 2017
The Creation story in Genesis speaks about how human beings have been created in the Lord's image and likeness. This message explores what this means for each of us. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZGiving the Dove a Place to Rest Her Foot
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 19, 2017
In the story of Noah and the Flood, Noah send out a dove that is said at first to have found no place to rest her foot. In a spiritual sense this means that there was too much falsity in someone's mind at that time to let the Lord's truth find a home. This message reflects on the need to disperse those floodwaters of falsity. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZDo Good, and Lend, Hoping for Nothing in Return
Worship Service: Sermon only - February 12, 2017
This worship message is in honoring of everyone who is a caregiver. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZAbsolutely Everything is the Lord's
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 29, 2017
'Secrets of Heaven' 123 states that "Absolutely everything is the Lord's." This message explores the life-changing reality of truly believing this. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZInviting Peace and Order into Our Lives
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 22, 2017
This message reflects on how the Lord is life itself and therefore order itself. We are in peace when our lives are aligned with His order. We feel anxiety and similar challenges when we are not aligned with Him. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZBecoming a Child of Light
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 15, 2017
The basis of this message is the parable of the Unjust Steward. The Lord explains how humanity often lives in self-imposed darkness because of a preference for false thinking over what is true. And so the Lord encourages us to open our eyes to the light so that as we live useful lives based on earthly knowledge, we can do so from a higher light and higher motivations. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZThe Baby Blessed by Simeon
Worship Service: Sermon only - January 01, 2017
This message examines the story of Simeon taking up and blessing the infant Lord. Simeon represents a state of life when we have begun to accept the Lord's message, not just intellectually but with our heart as well. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZVisitors to the Baby Lord
Worship Service: Sermon only - December 25, 2016
This Christmas message looks at the spiritual significance of the two difference types of people who are described as have come and visited the baby Lord. Those two types of people were the shepherds and the wise men, or magi. Each, we are taught, represent the types of spiritual qualities that lead a person to come closer to the Lord and be redeemed by Him. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZJohn the Baptist - A Gift to the World
Worship Service: Sermon only - December 18, 2016
Christmas is a good time to reflect on the gifts that the Lord has given, not only throughout the year but throughout our lives. In the Christmas story, Zacharias and Elizabeth were given the gift of a child in their old age. It turns out that their baby, John the Baptist, was the Lord's gift to all humanity. He needed to be the "prophet of the Highest" so that the Lord Himself could come with His gift of redemption and eternal heavenly joy. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZThe Babe Leapt For Joy
Worship Service: Sermon only - December 11, 2016
This message considers how the Lord came into the world to re-open the opportunity for all people to experience heaven's joy. This was a joy that is pictured in the babe leaping in the womb of Elizabeth at the sound of Mary's voice. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZGod Misunderstood
Worship Service: Sermon only - December 04, 2016
Humanity has long misunderstood the essential nature of the Lord God our Creator. As we picture the tiny infant Lord in the Christmas story, it is so important to understand that the Holy Child was the Son of God, and indeed was God from God. Our understanding of all that follows in the New Testament hinges on this, as does our understanding of our own salvation. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZThankfulness in Every Breath
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 24, 2016
This Thanksgiving message reflects on the gift of our life together with all of the wonderful things that the Lord has created for our sake. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZHearing the Still Small Voice
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 20, 2016
Are we open to hearing the still small voice of the Lord as He speaks to us? His voice is reaching out to us no matter our life circumstances. His words of comfort and guidance are constantly there if we take the time to stop and listen. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZHonoring Parents, Honoring Country: A Veterans Day talk
Worship Service: Sermon only - November 06, 2016
New Church teachings tell us that honoring our country is a higher form of the commandment to, "Honor father and mother." Every veteran is someone, who whether they realize it or not, has been led by the Lord to follow this commandment and therefore love their country. To all of them we say "Thank You." | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZGrieving That Which Only Seems to be Lost
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 30, 2016
We might grieve the loss of some ideal in us that now seems lost. However, we need to remember that our grieving shows that we care about being the best person we can be. We should also remember that the Lord is only concerned about the present and the future. The past is gone. And, His forgiveness is absolute for those who seek to walk in His ways. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZTaking Proper Care of Ourselves
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 09, 2016
In Luke 14 the Lord's words can make it seem as if we should hate the other members of our families, as well as ourselves. In reality He is telling us that we should hate the fact that we have negative tendencies like selfishness or perhaps self-pity. The Lord want us to work with Him to move away from the influence of these things and to start more fully enjoying His peace of mind and happiness. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZThoughts on Humility
Worship Service: Sermon only - October 02, 2016
Here are a few brief thoughts regarding the value of becoming truly humble. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZPray Always
Worship Service: Sermon only - September 25, 2016
The Lord tells us that we should "pray always." Prayer is simply conversation with Him. We should be continuously talking to Him in order to strengthen our relationship with Him. In this way we open ourselves to learning from Him and grow in our trust of Him and His providence. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZPraying for Others
Worship Service: Sermon only - September 18, 2016
Our prayers are a reflection of our hearts. Therefore, if we are concerned because another person is feeling some type of pain, we might be inspired by the Lord to pray for them. We are not trying to tell the Lord something that He doesn't already know, or to instruct Him when He already is moving things in the best direction through His infinite love and wisdom. Instead, our prayers are simply expressions of our love. And love, we are told, can have amazingly positive effects, even when those affects are not immediately obvious. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZWhat Should I Pray For?
Worship Service: Sermon only - September 11, 2016
This message reflects on the Lord's promise that: "If you ask anything in My name, I will do it." We consider what it means to "Ask in His name", and from this think about what our prayers should be asking for. We remember that ultimately prayer is simply conversation with the Lord. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZLord, Teach Us To Pray
Worship Service: Sermon only - September 04, 2016
This message considers the true power of prayer. Prayer is conversation with God. He wants to provide us with the peace and inspiration that comes when we are united to Him. But, that union cannot be formed unless we are communicating with Him. That communication is prayer. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZPlease Tell Me That I'm Good Enough
Worship Service: Sermon only - August 28, 2016
Sometimes we enter states in which we see ourselves in a negative light. The Lord wants to ensure us that we are loved for the person we are today, even when that person is flawed, and that if we listen to Him, He can lead us into a happier tomorrow. | By Rev. Garry B. Walsh | Phoenix, AZ