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Loving Others: A User’s Manual
Worship Service: Informal Family - October 16, 2022
The Lord's Word is full of the repeated statement to love the neighbor, but each person gives and receives love in a different way. How do we know if we are loving others in the way most useful to them? What are the practical tools that the Lord gives us explaining the "how" to loving others? | By Rev. Richard M. Glenn | Bryn Athyn Heilman Hall
See Event (35m 51s)
Truth or Bias
Worship Service: Informal Family - July 24, 2022
The Lord’s Word is full of truth given to us to make our lives, and the world, better. How is it that two people can go to Word and still disagree? How do people take these beautiful teachings and use them to cause harm? We all know how easy it can be to listen and learn with a bias that holds us back from a better understanding. What does the Word teach us about bias, its effects, and how to overcome it?" | By Rev. Richard M. Glenn | Bryn Athyn Heilman Hall
See Event (42m 42s)
Judgement and Charity: The Speck and the Plank
Worship Service: Informal Family - June 26, 2022
The Lord tells us that when we judge other people it is like trying to get a tiny speck out of their eye, while we have a plank in our own. The Word also tells we have to make judgements sometimes. Are we supposed to judge others or not? What kinds of judgements fit with living a charitable life, and which don't? | By Rev. Richard M. Glenn | Bryn Athyn Heilman Hall
See Event (37m 40s)
In Times of Trouble
Worship Service: Ordination & Sermon - June 28, 2020
Ordination of Richard M. Glenn into the first degree by Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss, Jr. Sermon by Richard Glenn. In a deeply troubled time of Elijah's life, an angel gave him food and drink which sustained him for the next forty days. In the same way, the Lord can comfort us during the many trials of our lives. He urges us to take care of ourselves, and he will sustain us, all with the goal of renewed energy and purpose to serve. | By Rev. Richard M. Glenn | Bryn Athyn Cathedral
See Event (31m 09s)
Labouring from the Lord
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - November 03, 2019
Why do we work on our spiritual lives? Why do we work to be more kind, more thoughtful, more generous? Is it for ourselves, other people, or the Lord? This week we will be looking at how our motivations effect our happiness, moving us toward jealousy and anger or toward joy and contentedness. How do we get from being reward focused to truly labouring from the Lord? | By Rev. Richard M. Glenn | Westville, RSA
See Event (26m 33s)
Praise the Lord
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - October 27, 2019
Again and again, the Bible stresses the importance of praising the Lord, but why? We praise other people to let them know we love and appreciate them, but the Lord knows every part of us. He knows how we feel before we could think to say it. What then, is the purpose of praising Him? Who is it for? This Sunday, join us as we examine the use of praising the Lord, and what that praise can look like. | By Rev. Richard M. Glenn | Westville, RSA
See Event (19m 32s)
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