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The Growth of Charity Through the Ages
Doctrinal Class - October 31, 2007
CD Single Track | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageBorn with One, Reborn into Another
Doctrinal Class - August 29, 2007
CD Single Track | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageTake the Water of Life Freely
Doctrinal Class - July 18, 2007
CD Single Track | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageNew Church Life - June 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - June 01, 2007
Disc 1: 1-Content & Notes 3:48 2-The Lord God Jesus Christ Reigns (A New Church Day Sermon) by Daniel W. Heinrichs 10:42 3-The Three Great Festivals of the Church (Christmas, Easter & June Nineteenth) by Erik Sandstrom, Sr. 29:41 Disc 2: 1-Responding to the Lord's Word, Part 2-concluded (Approaching written revelation to be led to the Lord) by Grant H. Odhner 29:45 2-Editorial: A Celebration of Spiritual Freedom 6:13 3-Church News: The Ukraine and Georgia by Goran Appelgren 3:49 4-Church News: A New Location for the Boston Society 2:59 | By Rev. Göran R. Appelgren; Rev. Daniel W. Heinrichs; Rev. Grant H. Odhner; Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom; Edward Cranch; New Church Life | Bryn Athyn, PANew Church Life - May 2007
"New Church Life" read aloud - May 01, 2007
Disc 1: 1-Contents & Notes 3:48 2-The Lord's Coming in Conjugial Love (A Sermon in Prepartion for New Church Day) by Fred Elphick 14:39 3-Paradigms Revisited, Part 1 by Alfred Acton II 33:03 4-Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness by Stephen Smith 8:14 Disc 2: 1-Responding to the Lord's Word, Part 2 (Approaching written revelation to be led to the Lord) by Grant Odhner 23:25 2-Editorial: Spring 5:22 3-Communication: Reincarnation by Erik Sandstrom, Sr. 6:12 4-Church News: Under the Mango Tree by Ron Schnarr 9:27 5-Announcements 5:39 | By Rt. Rev. Alfred II Acton; Rev. Frederick C. Elphick; Rev. Grant H. Odhner; Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom; Edward Cranch; New Church Life; Multiple Speakers; Stephen H. Smith; Rev Ronald D. Schnarr | Bryn Athyn, PAThree Festivals of the Church
Doctrinal Class - April 04, 2007
Two CD Set Disc One: Class 1, April 4, 57:54 Disc Two: Class 2, May 30, 45:10 | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageOur Lord and Father
Doctrinal Class - January 31, 2007
The Divine Human | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageThe Arcana Of Faith
Doctrinal Class - October 25, 2006
Now it is permitted. CD Single Track | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageFaith From a Celestial Origin
Doctrinal Class - October 18, 2006
True Faith is the internal acknowlegement of truth. CD Tracks: 1-Class 45:05 2-Questions 9:25 | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageHe Has Shown You, O Man, What Is Good
Doctrinal Class - August 02, 2006
CD Single Track | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageIntroduction to "The White Horse"
Doctrinal Class - April 05, 2006
As mentioned in the Apocalypse Chapter XIX CD Tracks: 1-Class 48:37 2-Questions 16:09 | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageHow We Derive the Spiritual Sense from a Scriptural Text
Doctrinal Class - February 15, 2006
A description of the general principles involved illustrated by examples from the book of Daniel. | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageA Christmas Chronology
Doctrinal Class - December 14, 2005
A review of the major events in the order of their occurence (the visit of the shepherds and the adoration of the wise men were far apart in time) and noting their spiritual significance. | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageJacob's Reconciliation with Esau
Doctrinal Class - August 31, 2005
CD. The change from reformation to regeneration, truth to good. | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageNew Church Life - August 2005
"New Church Life" read aloud - August 01, 2005
Single Cassette or Double CD: Tk 1-Contents & Notes 3:37, Tk 2-Observations on Travel and Recreation, a sermon by Grant H.Odhner 17:35, Tks 3&4-What and Who Is the Church? by Brian W. Keith 23:49 & 20:37, Tk 5-"They Think from Affection" by Erik Sandstrom Sr. 13:26, Tk 6-Editorial Pages (Church Growth & Three Famous Ladies) & Announcements 7:11 | By Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith; Rev. Grant H. Odhner; Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom; New Church Life | Bryn Athyn, PAThey Think From Affection
Doctrinal Class - July 13, 2005
The difference between the minds of women and men. Handout-readings from TCR & CL | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageRational Cooperation With the Visible God
Doctrinal Class - April 15, 2005
| By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Heilman HallCooperation of the Rational Souls with the Visible God
Doctrinal Class - February 23, 2005
CD master. | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageOne Word (Part 2, The Essential Doctrines of the Church)
Doctrinal Class - July 07, 2004
Master: CD. One Word: The Lord as Counselor (Isaiah 9:6) is the Word Itself. The Lord ever desires to communicate - but He accommodates His communication to the state of reception at the time. Thus the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Writings are three forms of communication. The Writings are immediately addressed to the rational. | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageOne God (Part 1, The Essential Doctrines of the Church)
Doctrinal Class - June 30, 2004
Master: CD. Part 1 of 3 in series. One God. Can there be One God unless He is personal? Can He be our God unless He is visible? "What a person loves the most is his God." In the New Church there will be the fulfillment of the ages in the worship of the Lord God Jesus Christ as He reveals Himself in His second advent. | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageThe Divine Force of Attraction
Doctrinal Class - May 19, 2004
| By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageUnderstanding the Glorification
Doctrinal Class - February 11, 2004
| By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood VillageWorship of the Lord From the Lord
Doctrinal Class - February 01, 2004
Master: CD | By Rev. Erik Sr. Sandstrom | Bryn Athyn Cairnwood Village