
Confidence Over Arrogance

by Rev. Erik J. Buss

Type of Event: Worship Service: Informal Family

Date Recorded: October 14, 2018

Location: Bryn Athyn Heilman Hall

Topics: Journey - Love Over Ego

All of us like to get our way, and at times that desire can take on alarming proportions in our lives, and can seem to swamp our desire to do what is right. We'll look at how Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego dealt with this problem and how it applies to what to do when our ego rises up.
The song "The Fiery Furnace" is included with permission of the author, Lori Odhner, and the Choristers singing, led by Robin Bier.


# Title Length
1 Sermon and discussion 40m 04s download
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Lessons and text

Dan 3
Isa 43:1-4
AC 59:2

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