The mission
Our mission is to preserve New Church audio recordings and make them available to all. We provide audiobooks of works by Emanuel Swedenborg, recordings of New Church sermons, Swedenborgian classes, and more. These offer opportunities for Bible study and spiritual growth, exploring Biblical symbolism and New Church theology.
New Church Audio is a program of The New Church, an international Christian organization.
The New Church is a Christian denomination based on the Bible and the revelation given to Emanuel Swedenborg. We believe that true faith is loving the Lord Jesus Christ by following his teachings and being of service to others.
If you enjoyed listening, please consider making a donation to support this service.
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Recent events
Back to Basics: Part 2, What is Salvation?
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 09, 2025
Salvation is at the heart and soul of Christ’s message. But what actually is it? Salvation is meaningless if we do not understand what we are being saved from and how we can achieve that salvation. The New Church teaches that all of us have an inclination towards evil that would destroy us if we weren’t protected by the Lord; and that to be truly and fully saved, we need to look to the Lord, reject evil, and live a good life, based on His teachings. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSABack to Basics Part 1 Who is God
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - February 02, 2025
The most important question that almost any religion tries to answer is, “Who is God?” In our day to day lives we may find other questions more pressing, such as “how do I keep my temper when my three-year-old scrawled crayon all over the wall AGAIN?” But how we see God actually filters into how we see all those basic day-to-day questions of life. So who is God, and how can we come to know Him better? That’s what we’ll explore this Sunday. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSABelonging to the Lord
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 26, 2025
What is the Lord’s? In a broad sense all things are the Lord’s: He created and sustains everything in the universe. Yet we also feel as if we are our own masters. There is an innate sense that what goes on in our minds and hearts is ours and ours alone. Yet even here all that is good and true belongs to the Lord. Miraculously, when we acknowledge that truth and live it, we can actually feel more, not less, ourselves. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAOvercoming Avoidance
Worship Service: Children & Adult - January 19, 2025
Avoiding is something we all do. We do it with small things, like when we ignore our body’s signals that it’s time for bed or when we procrastinate on the dishes. We do it with bigger things, like when we put off that important but difficult conversation we need to have or when we put future decisions out of mind. And we do it even with the most important things in our spiritual lives, when we know we have an issue but it is to challenging to face. But if we are to grow spiritually we cannot put off or ignore our flaws. We need to address them head on. This Sunday we will look at some of the reasons we avoid spiritual challenges and what we can do to overcome that tendency. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAFrom Blindness to Sight
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 12, 2025
We are all born into ignorance. None of us knows how to do this thing called life well. But the Lord provides the tools that allow us to learn and to improve. We will never have perfect knowledge of right and wrong; but we can come to better know the truth, and so know better how to live good lives. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSALooking Forward
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 05, 2025
The challenge with the future is the unknowns. It is easy to see how the Lord led us even in hard times when we look back. It is more of a challenge to look forward and trust that the Lord will continue to lead us. And this is as it should be: the Lord asks us to plan for an uncertain future, and work towards it, so that He can direct us down the right path. When we find the right balance of planning and trust we can face what is to come with confidence. | By Rev. Joel C Glenn | Westville, RSAGive Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Worship Service: Childrens Talk & Adult Sermon - January 05, 2025
1st Lesson: Matthew 6:7-13 Talk: “Our Daily Bread” 2nd Lesson: Psalm 104:24-30 3rd Lesson: Apocalypse Explained 5147 (portions) Sermon: “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” | By Rev. Brett D. Buick | Kempton, PAThe mission
Our mission is to preserve New Church audio recordings and make them available to all. We provide audiobooks of works by Emanuel Swedenborg, recordings of New Church sermons, Swedenborgian classes, and more. These offer opportunities for Bible study and spiritual growth, exploring Biblical symbolism and New Church theology.
New Church Audio is a program of The New Church, an international Christian organization.
The New Church is a Christian denomination based on the Bible and the revelation given to Emanuel Swedenborg. We believe that true faith is loving the Lord Jesus Christ by following his teachings and being of service to others.
If you enjoyed listening, please consider making a donation to support this service.
Bringing people together for spiritual connection and community. Join here.